Archive for December, 2007

December 04, 2007

Guns & Presidential Politics

Courting the NRA endorsement. And the NRA is seeking a viable candidate. I found this odd:

Arulanandam said NRA officials have met privately with each of the GOP candidates, except /20~ p@\/1.

I’d like see them endorse Richardson in the Dem primary, though. But they don’t do that.

December 03, 2007

Conversations in the Uncle Clan

Me and the Mrs. did some shopping this weekend. I tried on a fleece pull-over in the middle of the aisle. As I’m taking it off, the conversation goes like this:

Me: [pointing to the shirt I’m wearing under the fleece] would you hold this down while I take this off?

The Mrs.: You don’t want people seeing your belly?

Me: No, I don’t want people seeing my .45.

In other news, I guess she thinks I’m getting chunky.

OMG they’re actually selling ammo

So, someone sees that you can buy ammo at Wal-Mart. They don’t like seeing said perfectly lawful activity. So, they call their councilmonkey:

Cook said he checked a pawn shop on Shirley Lane and found ammu­nition available.

Wow. Someone selling ammo. Amazing!

The shocking thing is that this occurred in Alabama.

Akins Accelerator Update

Lots of background on the case here. I noted that one of the directors resigned and cited he did not think case could be won. I got an interesting email this weekend from William Akins. Here’s the text:

To the moderator of Say Uncle. Sorry, I do not know your name.

Please let me know when the registration to join Say Uncle will be back online.

I am the inventor and patent owner of the Akins Accelerator, chairman of the board of Akins Group Inc and the majority voting authority of the corporation since the recent resignation of one of our directors. . Recently Tom Bowers, one of Akins Group Inc’s directors resigned. Following his resignation Mr Bowers posted some unfortunate and ill advised public personal opinion comments on his privately owned website of that he believed a court battle against the illegal BATFE 2006-02 ruling could not be won based upon the fact that he believed Akins Group Inc did not have the funds for such a suit. He did not base his opinions upon the fact that the case was without merit, only that he believed Akins Group Inc did not have the sufficient funds. Mr Bowers is certainly entitled to his opinion. However, since his resignation Mr Bowers’ opinions are not the opinions nor the official position of the board of directors of Akins Group Inc.

It is the official position of the board of directors of Akins Group Inc that the efforts to overturn the illegal BATFE ruling will go on. All that has occurred here is that a director of the corporation has resigned and is being replaced.

The battle against this BATFE abuse of power and violation of federal firearms law is actually only just beginning now that a major obstacle is gone that had hindered any actual effective action. I have alway been of the belief that those who would trade liberty for comfort deserve neither.

I would like to join your Say Uncle site as soon as registration is available and set the record straight for the public’s knowledge since posters at your site are incorrectly informed and are making incorrect assumptions and statements concerning Akins Group Inc when they have no idea what the true facts are.

I am in the unique position as the new majority voting authority of Akins Group Inc to know those facts and correctly inform the public in so far as I can in the best interests of the corporation.

I can assure you and the public that Akins Group Inc will continue its efforts to overturn this illegal ruling, and if at some future time Akins Group Inc runs completely out of funds, then I will continue the battle myself as the patent owner and an individual. I will do so whether I receive any help from pro firearm, civil liberty and freedom organizations (none forthcoming so far) or not. I will do so whether a civil case is filed or whether my last remaining future option is civil disobedience with my very freedom and liberty at stake.

At this time Akins Group Inc and myself are actively seeking a law firm to file a large damage suit against the BATFE on a contingency basis. I have firms I am looking into and I would welcome any contact from firms interested in taking this large multi million dollar damage case. They may contact me via my e mail address of…. Akins_Bill – at –

Feel free to post this at your Say Uncle site since I am unable to with your registration feature currently down. I would appreciate it if you would.


William L. Akins

Note (and I told him this): I don’t really do registration here any more. And comments shut off after a post is seven days old to reduce spam.

Gun Porn

Pics from a machine gun shoot in Alabama. Never seen a short barreled 50 cal before.

A blog named Muhammad

So, a teacher in Sudan let her class name a teddy bear. They named it Muhammad. For this, she was charged with blasphemy and initially sentenced to get lashes and some jail time. Now, that’s bad enough. But it gets better. On the way to work, I heard some British official say that he felt the punishment was too severe. Err, no. The fact that in some backwoods shithole, blasphemy is still a crime that warrants beating someone is severe. And, the calm locals in the Sudan, say that the punishment isn’t severe enough and want her executed.

This is why I can’t take multi-culti hooey seriously. There is simply no way at all that I can respect this in any form. And so much for tolerance because I can’t tolerate it either.

Some smarty pants decided to sell a teddy bear named Muhammad on EBay. Ebay, no doubt fearing for their lives, pulled the listing. You know, like Comedy Central did with South Park.

In honor of that, I declare today Name Your Blog Muhammad Day.

Update: Yeah, that was kinda dickish. I mean the graphic.

Op-ed on militias, guns, yada yada

David Hardy has an op-ed on the second amendment and its language.

Militias, guns, yada, yada

So, Paul Helmke of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership yammers on about the mythology of the militia clause of the second amendment. He gets thrashed, of course, so he decides to repeat himself. Because, you know, if no one believes you the first time, repeating the same lie might help. Anyway, I’d ordinarily address his foolishness but Sebastian already did. Twice.

Sayin’s stuff on Al Gore’s Internets

So, some guy said something really stupid on a blog comment section. He gets arrested for it. Ya know, free speech includes the right to say stupid things.

Update: what he said.

Group opposes BSL in Knoxville


An animal shelter board today refused to recommend changes in Knoxville and Knox County ordinances that would treat pit bull dogs different from other breeds.

Ten members of the board of directors for the Young-Williams Animal Shelter met for more than two hours today to review possible recommended changes in ordinances concerning dogs to city and county legislative bodies. While the board unanimously agreed that the city and county ordinances concerning dogs should be similar, they rejected the concept of a breed specific regulation.

Gun Permit Data

You’ll recall a bit back The Plain Dealer decided to reveal the names of carry permit holders. Well, thanks to them, that info now cannot be copied or duplicated by journalists. Good job, guys. A victory for the first and second amendment!

DRTV Blog Page

Michael Bane’s Down Range TV has a nifty new gun blog aggregator.

December 01, 2007

Reminded of my inner redneck

How redneck am I?

Well, dinner just consisted of collard greens with chicken and dumplings.

And go Vols! Never thought I’d see 4th and 36!

Update: Despite my encouragement, the Vols did not go. And, at Kohl’s today, UT clothing was 50% off. Ouch.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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