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Heller News

DC Gun Case:

We have just received DC’s Merits Brief and Joint Appendix.

Update: In other news, 172 combined pages is a brief?

Update 2: Lots of familiar names quoted, like Kellermann, the VPC, Cornell. Good, those are easily refuted.

4 Responses to “Heller News”

  1. thirdpower Says:

    They’re being dishonest even in their brief:

    “Although the District construes D.C. Code § 22-4504(a) as a licensing provision, not a flat prohibition on the use (“carrying”) of handguns, the majority held it facially unconstitutional on its contrary reading.”

    and then contradicts themselves:

    “and sensibly concluded that the handgun ban,”

  2. Hemlock Says:

    The emotional laundry list at the end, of why guns are bad, made me wonder if the brady bunch wrote the last part of the brief. Nothing to do with their legal standing before the court, just emotional opinions (domestics with a gun cause murder, cops killed by handguns and the coup de gras, handguns CAUSE more suicides). What a load. DC’s lawyer must not feel good about their case or they would not have wrote that tripe in their brief.

  3. Jim W Says:

    They’re gonna lose. They have a weak case and they are apparently more interested in playing politics than practicing law.

    My only regret is that I have been unable to convince anyone to bet money on DC winning.

  4. Ravenwood Says:

    D.C. fired the lawyer in charge of the case. Looks like it was personal, but the antis are already saying that it will hurt their side. They could be just making excuses for the inevitable tho.

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