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All the misinformed assault weapons hysteria in one convenient location! Interesting to me is the author: Robert Spitzer is Distinguished Service Professor of political science at SUNY Cortland and author of “The Politics of Gun Control.”

8 Responses to “Primer”

  1. chris Says:

    And might he be related to NY’s Governor Spitzer?

  2. Robb Allen Says:

    OMG. If you put any more misinformation into a smaller space, it would collapse under its own weight and become an informational black hole where even logic couldn’t escape.

    We should call that the “Spitzer Radius”.

  3. Jack Says:

    I must admit that this stull is fun to read. “bullet clip” has always been my favorite. Makes one wonder if people like him know anything about any other things that they write about. Jack.

  4. Tennessee Budd Says:

    Does a “bullet clip” work like a money clip?

  5. Alcibiades McZombie Says:

    Does any military rifle use a thumb-hole stock? I don’t think they are even old enough to have been adopted by any military.

  6. LibertyPlease Says:

    Makes one wonder if people like him know anything about any other things that they write about.

    Having worked in a newsroom, I’d say reporting on unfamiliar subjects is common. No subject though is as brazenly misreported by self-annointed “experts” as gun-control. It’s as if the subject requires none of the standard/basic fact-checking.

  7. straightarrow Says:

    I find it ironic that one of the most accurate bullet configurations is spitzer.

  8. tkdkerry Says:

    Having worked in a newsroom, I’d say reporting on unfamiliar subjects is common.

    I’d say it’s SOP. See also: Gell-Mann effect.

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