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So, what is it?

I’m not all hip with the newest fashions on Al Gore’s Tubes of Internets. But WTF is Twitter? I mean, other than a site that takes longer to load than my attention span can deal with.

AC compelled me to ask.

4 Responses to “So, what is it?”

  1. BobG Says:

    Think of someone with a constant connection to their blog, so that they can update it constantly almost like a chat program. You tend to get a lot of people who are constantly babbling at it, instead of sitting down and writing a composed post. I’ll pass, thanks.

  2. Phelps Says:

    Twitter is a coked up livejournal orgy.

  3. Jack Lail Says:

    It’s addictive, pure and simple. Step away from the computer before it’s too late.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    Wait, you mean you don’t have your crackberry or a camera-phone set up to feed your blog a stream of short messages and random photos largely regarding the minutia of daily life? Well, I guess that would explain all the content, linkage to gun and freedom related posts elsewhere on the interwebz and the active reader input via comments that constantly show up around here.

    current mood = ::Satirical::

    current music = ::something hip and cool that you have never heard before::

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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