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Hmmm, I’m pretty sure we did meet once. Briefly at Calhoun’s out west.

4 Responses to “Forgettable”

  1. katie allison granju Says:

    Did we?

    I don’t think we did. I would have remembered 😉


  2. SayUncle Says:

    Well, I’m positive i met your significant other and 90% sure i met you for a brief moment.

  3. katie allison granju Says:

    Well, you should know that I am not very bright, so it’s possible I am blanking.

    But okay, I’d still like to meet you and actually remember you.


  4. Les Jones Says:

    You two were both there that night at Calhoun’s, but you were seated pretty far apart at that long table we had.

    I met Jonathan there, but didn’t get to do much more than say hello.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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