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More on Heller Briefs

Because you’re on the wrong side:

In arguing that the Second Amendment case now before the Supreme Court shouldn’t have any bearing on state gun control laws, Attorney General Cuomo is finding himself largely alone among state attorneys general.

Mr. Cuomo filed a brief, signed onto by only four other states and Puerto Rico, to the federal high court last week in District of Columbia v. Heller, which will be heard in March. In the case, the Supreme Court will review whether Washington, D.C., residents have a right under the Second Amendment to keep handguns at home for self-protection. The District of Columbia has what amounts to a blanket ban on handguns.

Of note: Mr. Cuomo’s brief is, in effect, an effort to limit any damage to the relatively strict handgun regulations in New York and some other states that might result from a Supreme Court decision favoring private gun ownership.

Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah.

One Response to “More on Heller Briefs”

  1. Cactus Jack Says:

    “signed onto by only four other states and Puerto Rico”

    What four states signed it? If I was to guess I’d say Kalifornia, New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts. Am I right?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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