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Unclear on the concept

PGP is running for office! As a Libertarian. Isn’t that like the opposite of progressive?

3 Responses to “Unclear on the concept”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    I guess I’m one of those libertarian liberals like DKos outlined last year. I’m not sure which group threw the bigger tantrum, the liberals or the libertarians. Probably a good sign he was on to something.

    But no, I don’t think they’re polar opposites at all, given how much ground the two groups have in common. I’m largely in agreement with the social agenda, if not completely 100% in agreement.

    I guess I do part ways with the Libertarian movement on a few issues–usually in re: environmental issues where the market fails to get the job done.

    There are economic libertarians and social ones, and it’s usually the former that gets so frothing at the mouth exercised about the distinctions.

  2. Manish Says:

    As a Libertarian. Isn’t that like the opposite of progressive?

    Progressives and Libertarians have a lot in common..civil liberties, the drug war, Iraq war, etc. I remember talking politics with a co-worker way back when and finding that we had tons in common politically. It was only when he mentioned that he was taking vacation time to go to a Libertarian Party convention that I realized that he wasn’t a progressive.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    There are economic libertarians and social ones

    It seems to me that what you are, then, is a civil libertarian. Which is actually quite progressive. I put myself in that camp as well.

    I think economic libertarians are nuts. 🙂

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