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It is kinda ironic. I guess Rep. Briley thinks your average handgun carry permit holder has as little self control as Rep. Briley does when around alcohol.

4 Responses to “Irony”

  1. Kristopher Says:

    Projection, again.

  2. Ron W Says:

    That bill was in past years “shot down”, also ironically, in the Constitutional Protections Committee. I suppose these so-called “liberals”, who SAY they protect our rights, never bothered to check Article I, Section 26 of the Tennessee Constitution’s DECLARATION OF RIGHTS. It’s our RIGHT to carry arms for self-defense!!

    And in their bigotry and prejudice against handgun permit holders, they presume we’re gonna turn into criminals the moment we walk into a restaurant that serves alcohol!!! I guess Rob Briley and the other Naifeh hand-picked tyrants were thinkin’ all of us double-background checked, certifiable law-abiding citizens were gonna be like him!!!

  3. chris Says:

    Only under Naifeh’s control of the House can a bill with 65 sponsors not pass.

  4. Ron W Says:

    Right Chris,

    Actually I think it had 67 co-sponsors in the House. My Rep. Gene Davidson (now retired) told me personally at a pancake breakfast back then that he always voted pro-gun. Yet he was not a co-sponsor. I called him and asked why not. He told me, he was afraid “that someone (carry permit holder) might go get drunk and shoot up some place”. I said, “Man! they can do that now!” That’s a criminal act. Why would someone go to the trouble to pay for and take a state-approved course, then fill out an application whereby false answers could result in perjury, pay the state $115 to process the application, get finger-printed for TBI and FBI background checks, wait 6-8 weeks for the permit AND THEN GO SHOOT UP SOMEPLACE??!!

    He said, well, I guess I’ll sign on…which he of the last to do so.

    My current (Robertson County–district 66) rep is Bob Bibb who wrote an e-mail reply during his campaign, that he was one of the first to acquire a gun permit when the law was passed. I think he’ll support this, but the committee is still the problem!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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