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Tax on hope

Tennessee’s tax on people who can’t do math is a disaster?

3 Responses to “Tax on hope”

  1. Alcibiades McZombie Says:

    They’re not bad at math, they’re bad at statistics.

  2. jay Says:

    Isn’t the lottery the most “progressive” tax of them all? If you don’t want to, or can’t, pay it you don’t have to.

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    Maybe we need to pass a law forbidding people who get goverment assistance from buying lottery tickets? For their own good of course.

    We could have a huge federal database, and every time someone wanted to buy a lottery ticket, we could do an instant background check to make sure they weren’t on the dole. Should only cost a few million per year if we go cheap on the redundant support system (and if the system goes down, what’s a few days wait to buy a lottery ticket?)

    Of course, that does not do anything to combat the private poker game loophole.

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