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Carney joins Congressional Second Amendment Caucus

In other news, there’s a Congressional Second Amendment Caucus?

6 Responses to “Carney joins Congressional Second Amendment Caucus”

  1. Jim W Says:

    Since like 2003-2004 I think.

  2. Bitter Says:

    There is. Marilyn Musgrave was a founder, IIRC. This is one of those caucuses that just requires sending the Chair’s office a letter saying, “I want to join!” They approve, and they do nothing. I’m sure if anything really bad came up, they’d do a Caucus letter which has value, but I’m not aware of anything they have done in the past.

  3. Lyle Says:

    I know I shouldn’t complain, but anything regarding the 2A that starts with, “As an avid sportsman…” leaves me rolling my eyes a little.

  4. Sebastian Says:

    *shrug* Sportsmen can be gun rights advocates too. I would consider myself a sportsman.

  5. K-Romulus Says:

    Good. I hope they are filing an amicus brief in Heller, since 18 of their brethren filed one in support of DC’s gun ban.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    While sportsmen can be 2A advocates, I don’t see the connection of one for another. There is nothing in the second about sports. So I tend to think that prefacing a statement about the second amendment with the sportsman claim is an attempt at deflection to avoid actually stating support for its real purpose.

    That could be why it cause Lyle’s eyes to roll.

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