Archive for January, 2008

January 21, 2008

Lying to win

Anti-gunners have to do it. And the press just repeats it. Example one:

Lawmakers have tried and failed at getting this bill passed before, but last year’s shootings at Virginia Tech have led several groups to make another push.

A group called Protest Easy Guns is planning to bus people in from all over the state for a demonstration Monday on Capitol Square. They’re planning to lay down on the front lawn of the state capitol to drive home the impact of the Tech shootings.

The implication being, of course, that somehow closing the Evil Gun Show Loophole would have stopped the VT massacre. That, of course, is not the case.

Example two:

This is a lie designed to help him make his case. By lumping the federally restricted sawed-off shotgun in with the political construct “assault weapons”, he elevates both to “oooh, scary” status and lends credence to his argument.

Chicks and Guns

It’s chicks and AR week apparently:

She has more videos here.

Now, with automatic i dotting

Ryan looks at some software for FFLs

Good News

Kilby’s bill to ban the ownership of Politically Incorrect Dogs will not make it out of committee:

Senator Kilby thanks all those who have contacted his office to oppose the legislation. He very much appreciates the information that has been shared with him and the fact that our fanciers, enthusiasts, and concerned dog owners did so in a polite and respectful manner.

Cool. We were heard. And hats off to Kilby!

Via Aunt B.

God bless Texas

Their new gun law states that people without permits can keep weapons in their cars.

AP Ammo

Joe has a list. IIRC, the 223 was not included due to its popularity.

NRA Heller Response Redux

Joe notes some of the good about it.

Unclear on the concept

PGP is running for office! As a Libertarian. Isn’t that like the opposite of progressive?

Gun Porn

And light blogging alert. Stuff to do.

Model PC-13

Noveske low profile.


A Taser that can be fired from a shotgun.

January 19, 2008


Doing mine. Not fun.


Where I live, if I hear gun shots then I figure it’s farmer Bob up the way trying out his new shotty or a neighbor dispatching some varmint. Squeaky doesn’t.

January 18, 2008

Good on NRA

They issued a much harsher statement on Heller here. Good stuff

First /20~ p@\/1 and now ƒ£µ0r1Ð3

Not only do worshipers of /20~ p@\/1 infest your comments when you mention his name. So do ƒ£µ0r1Ð3 detractors. See here. Comments from folks who I don’t recognize as regulars telling me how wrong I am.

The Russians finally show some taste in firearms

To all you AR haters:

EX-SOVIET Georgia’s army began to switch from the Russian-designed Kalashnikov to the modern US M4 rifle, pro-Western president-elect Mikheil Saakashvili announced.

“Today is a historic day for the Georgian armed forces: we start to switch to Western armament. From today, we will use the best weapon in the world – the M4 assault rifle,” Mr Saakashvili told troops at a new military base at Gori, in the north of the strategic former Soviet republic.

Mr Saakashvili, who has angered neighbouring Russia by pressing for NATO membership, said on Rustavi-2 television that the armed forces were purchasing “new armoured vehicles which meet the NATO standards, and new artillery, which also meet NATO and Western standards.”

Looks like they want to be able to hit barns.

Adjust your dials

I hear the Olofson case (malfunctioning AR goes full auto) will be covered by Lou Dobbs on CNN.


Founder of anti-gun group sentenced for gun crime.

Not only guns

Bloomberg wants to micro stamp you too:

He advocated for a state law that would require gun makers to equip weapons with high-tech bullet tracking, but also pushed for DNA testing of anyone who is arrested.

border control

Mexico is upset that guns are getting into the country. They blame the US, of course. The US recently decided to give trace data to the Mexican .gov. But this is bullshit:

Officials said that many of the weapons – including powerful handguns and semiautomatic assault rifles – are purchased legally at shops and gun shows, and that Houston and Dallas are two of the top sources. The guns are typically carried south across the border by multiple couriers whom some officials referred to as an “army of ants.”

Even black-market military-style weapons, such as .50-caliber machine guns, bazookas and grenades, have been seized in raids.

.50-caliber machine guns, bazookas and grenades are all either 1) illegal in the US or 2) heavily regulated in the US. They’re also, generally, unlawful to export of course. So, Mexico’s weapons of this sort are likely coming from somewhere else. But ATF to the rescue:

In Mexico City, U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey said the goal of what officials are calling Project Gunrunner is to dry up the cartels’ arms supply in the U.S. by punishing gun dealers who knowingly sell weapons to “straw” buyers who then resell them illegally.

Or just look for the dealers who sell .50-caliber machine guns, bazookas and grenades because they’re likely already breaking the law.

Crime stats

School slayings down.

And there was much rejoicing

One of the politicos in the city (my the city) decided a few years back that fluoride had evil spirits in it or something. So, there was a successful push to get rid of fluoridated water. No shit. With kids, me and the Mrs. had to start buying fluoride drops for the rugrats to keep their teeth healthy. Anyway, someone got some sense and the water will soon be fluoridated again.

Welcome back to civilization.

Won’t anyone stand up against National Health Service

In the UK, the National Health Service has killed more people than were murdered with guns in the US.

Clearly, we need healthcare control.

Speaking of, who will stand against nail gun violence?


On the Heller brief:

In particular, the standard arm of the US military is considered a machinegun by law (M-16, as it can fire more than one bullet per trigger press). But because it is a machinegun, it can be banned for public safety reasons under the federal government’s ability to regulate, for the purposes of ensure a well-regulated militia, what arms the People can Keep and Bear… One more time: The government may ban the civilian possession of the standard arm of the military under its ability to sure that the militia is effective. IE – to ensure the militia is effective (well-regulated) the government may ban arms demonstrably suitable for the individual soldier.

Uh, yeah. Via sebastian.

More on Kilby’s bill to ban pit bulls

Lots of bloggers react. MKS has a round up. So does AC.

Most people seem unhappy. It’s like Kilby did something stupid or something.

Neo means not*

Libertarian fight!

Long and short, a neo-libertarian blogger had jury duty and convicted a drug dealer. Jury nullification discussion ensues.

Via BB.

* applicable to neo-conservatives too.


The trooper who pulled over local porn starlet Barbie Cummings and, despite getting a little something, decided to write a ticket anyway, has been sentenced to probation.

Why we shouldn’t ban rubber testicles

they may be required for something else.

Gun Porn

Remington 511

Six shooter and some info on cowboy fast draw.

Some day

Junior will be able to fields strip and reassemble an AR-15 in less than a minute:

Adjust Blogrolls

Marko the munchkin wrangler has new blog digs here.

Quote of the day

Or, maybe Huckabee’s not quite the panderer I thought he was:

If somebody came to Arkansas and told us what to do with our flag, we’d tell them what to do with the pole.

In other news, I don’t think his advisers told him that 30% of South Carolina is black.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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