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Lining up at the trough

Kit brings The Church of the Painful Truth to her fellow small government types:

America does not want what I want out of government. America loves big government.

Read it all.

Update: and Guy From Boston for President. Language warning, he is from Boston.

6 Responses to “Lining up at the trough”

  1. DirtCrashr Says:

    It’s all about Pork, the hog-trough and the Handouts. If we can pull back the veil to reveal the corruption and putrescence it would help

  2. Jay G Says:

    Language warning, he is from Boston.

    What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

  3. markm Says:

    Really? Then why do the politicians keep pretending they’re for smaller government?

  4. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    For the same reason Hillary and Barack and Bloomberg and Feinstein insist they don’t want to take your evil black rifle away.

  5. Sebastian Says:

    For the same reason Hillary and Barack and Bloomberg and Feinstein insist they don’t want to take your evil black rifle away.

    Yep, because you can talk the talk, but when it actually comes to cutting government, all the various interests come out of the wood work and demand you not give them a smaller slice of the pie. We will never shrink government in this country. The most we can hope for is to stop it from growing so fast, that the economy overtakes it sufficiently as to decrease it’s relative size.

    One of the reasons I ended up in the gun issue is because it’s one area of liberty minded politics where I think there’s actually a chance of winning. On economic and fiscal matters, the people like big government, and the politicians are only too happy to oblige.

  6. tgirsch Says:

    “Make the government smaller” is another call that’s a lot like “simplify the tax code.” Virtually everyone is for it in the abstract, but when you get down to brass tacks, they figure out they don’t like the idea all that much. Simplify the tax code, but don’t eliminate my deduction. Make the government smaller, but don’t cut the programs I support.

    Personally, rather than trying to get the government to do less, I’d like some serious effort to go into doing what it does do more efficiently than it currently does it. Example: For what we currently pay for Medicare (and possibly less), you could offer full coverage to every American, if you only stripped out the corporate protectionism and got serious about fraud enforcement.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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