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Leads to confiscation. In Japan, authorities seeking to put a big giant bandaid over the sore caused by a mass shooting there (which is unpossible), started going through their gun owner registry and deciding who was unfit:

Ninety gun owners were ordered to return their gun licenses and 145 firearms as of Jan. 31, after being judged unfit to possess them under police inspections conducted in the wake of a shooting rampage in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, in December, it has been learned.

The inspections were conducted nationwide by prefectural police headquarters on people who possess hunting guns–shotguns and rifles–and air guns.

The number of people ordered to turn in licenses is expected to increase as about 60 percent of gun owners have yet to be inspected.

There were about 305,000 legally permitted shotguns and rifles and 34,000 air guns in the nation as of Jan. 31, 2006. The National Police Agency is compiling a list of problems with the current license system and says it will work to revise the law if necessary.

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