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Pestering the VPC

Since the Violence Policy Center is a Merchant of Death, Thirdpower called there and asked about transferring a gun. Anyone else have any luck?

A few questions on the VPC’s FFL: Are they in the business of selling firearms? If not, that usually warrants a knock on the door from ATF.

Is having an FFL in DC legal? Do they comply with local zoning and business ordinances? If not, that usually warrants a knock on the door from ATF.

Do they have business hours posted?

Inquiring minds want to know. Someone should ask them. Or the ATF.

3 Responses to “Pestering the VPC”

  1. thirdpower Says:

    No I didn’t really call. Just satire on what the conversation would sound like.

  2. Molon Labe Says:

    I did e-mail them last night and asked why Josh had his FFL and if they thought that was at all hypocritical.

    No response.

  3. workinwifdakids Says:

    Somebody – DO THIS.

    Oh, and call the ATF, too.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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