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Ya know, it’s interesting that government regulation (often said to inhibit or destroy the free market) often creates free markets.

4 Responses to “Conundrum”

  1. Lornkanaga Says:

    I can’t remember where I heard this, or even the exact wording, but the sentiment is memorable as far as how government operates:

    If it sells, tax it; if it sells too fast, regulate it; if it doesn’t sell fast enough, subsidize it.

  2. Magus Says:

    Participating in the a true free market (outside goobermint regulation) can get you shot.

  3. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    Not exactly. It creates black markets, which are often not conducted in the absence of force or fraud and therefore not free.

  4. existingthing Says:

    The one law you can’t repeal; The law of unintended consequences

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