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Clinton On Guns

Looks like all the bleating in the press lamenting that Democrats were not talking about gun control paid off. In an interview with the Dallas Morning News, she says she wants to ban weapons that look like assault weapons and ban private transfers of firearms.

7 Responses to “Clinton On Guns”

  1. Xrlq Says:

    In an interview with the Dallas Morning News, she says she wants to … ban private transfers of firearms.

    Um, no. All she is quoted as saying in the article is that she would subject private transfers to background checks, and then only when the transfers happen to occur at gun shows. That may be a good or a bad idea, but it wouldn’t constitute a a “ban” on private transfers any more than current law “bans” non-private ones.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    actually, she says she wants to end loopholes that allow weapons to be sold at gun shows without required background checks. Those loopholes being private party transfers.

  3. Xrlq Says:

    The only “loophole” that allows weapons to be sold at gun shows without required background checks is the fact that the law requiring background checks doesn’t apply to private transfers. Ergo, the only plausible interpretation of her statement is that she wants to require background checks of private transfers, not ban private transfers outright (at gun shows, or anywhere else).

    Not saying she wouldn’t support more onerous gun laws. I’m quite sure she would; however, that’s not what the article has her saying.

  4. Rabbit Says:

    Leopard, spots. Pot, Kettle.

    No matter what they might waffle on, some things remain true to their core nature.

    Vote for Change? Yeah. Change us all into criminals of one form or another.


  5. SayUncle Says:

    Xrlq, obviously I’m playing a semantic game here. People want to yammer on about gun shows but what they’re really yammering about are private transfers.

  6. Xrlq Says:

    Not necessarily. Some are yammering about private transfers without background checks, while others limit their yammering to those that occur at gun shows. Either position is defensible, and neither is comparable to advocating a ban.

  7. straightarrrow Says:

    It walks like a duck, dammit!

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