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I’m tired of making two stops

It looks like there’s a push (again) for Tennessee to allow sales of wine at the grocery store (though, while they’re at it I think they should add booze too). It’s a good idea unless you own a liquor store, I suppose. Frankly, I’m just tired of making two stops and the extra gas. So, let’s do it for the environment! Others are saying:

Carly Harrington (who has the biggest smile I have ever seen): Sen. Bill Ketron and Rep. Randy Rinks introduced a bill (SB3139/HB3451) at the beginning of the legislative session. The proposed legislation would allow wine sales only in municipalities that currently allow package sales.

Sean (who has been on this from the beginning and who will owe me a beer and not wine): Regardless, I don’t think the “its all about the children” argument really holds much water in this debate, as the alcohol content of wine is not so significantly higher as to require an entire set of different procedures for selling that product as compared to beer.

Here’s a new site and a blog called Red White and Food that’s advocating the idea.

KAG notes it’s some pretty slick PR.

3 Responses to “I’m tired of making two stops”

  1. Breda Says:

    We have a funny law here in Ohio where you’re not allowed to buy wine until after 2pm on Sundays. You can buy all the beer you want, but not wine.

  2. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    I grew up and went to college in California, where I could buy just about anything alcoholic at a grocery store. Therefore, that’s my standard for ‘normal’ liquor laws.

    As the Army has moved me around, I continue to be amazed at the variety of strange laws regarding alcohol sales. Like in WA, the state runs the liquor stores. Or PA, where you can’t buy beer in anything smaller than a case, and only from a distributor.

    Of course, the Class VI (military liquor store) on post sells all of it, so I always have somewhere to go.

  3. chris Says:

    didnt TN recently enact a law requiring EVERYONE that buys alcohol to show ID regardless of how old they look?

    i mean seriously, do they not have any better things to spend tax payer money on?

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