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EBR Prices

Jeff wonders why weapons that look like assault weapons seem to have gone up in price. Speculation is that, of course, it’s an election year. I think it’s less complex than that. Two factors: 1) one of the most popular rifles right now now is the AR-15. They’re trendy. 2) After the expiration of the ban on weapons that look like assault weapons, the market was flooded. Everyone ramped up and cranked out mags and things with bayonet lugs. Now, production is leveling off.

Supply meets demand.

Update: In comments, Blounttruth reminds me that stuff isn’t getting more expensive. Money’s just getting cheaper. Yeah, that too.

4 Responses to “EBR Prices”

  1. Blounttruth Says:

    Products are not costing more, just taking more devalued dollars to purchase the same item, and its gonna get worse LONG before it gets better.


  2. Laughingdog Says:

    well, metal has gone up in price the last couple of years as well. While copper has gone up faster than the rest, demand for everything is higher as production increases in China.

  3. Regolith Says:

    Don’t forget to factor in the cost of transportation, which has gone up because of gasoline prices.

    Pretty much everything is getting more expensive these days because of that.

  4. Blounttruth Says:

    But on the bright side Bush has comforted us by letting us know that he has not felt the stings of a recession, hence it must not exist. He is from Texas, but constantly lives in a state of denial.
    The fed has hinted at another interest rate cut, which should over the course of the next 5 years bring prices up even farther. 32% income tax, 10% state sales tax, minus insurance is over 50% of our incomes, and Hillary wants to take more for the working class to pay for illegal immigrants medical care. Never fear Bush, is sending us half a mortgage payment a piece to boost the economy, but I cant afford $3.18 per gallon of gas to cash my check, things are truely looking up!! hehe

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