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Up next: The Department of Happy

Chris Lugo, who is a candidate for Senate, proposes a Department of Peace. No, really.

10 Responses to “Up next: The Department of Happy”

  1. MostlyGenius Says:

    We stared kidding ourselves when we did away with having a “Secretary of War”

  2. BobG Says:

    Peace is what you hopefully get when all the other departments do their job correctly. It doesn’t need a department for itself.

  3. Thibodeaux Says:

    Hasn’t that been one of Kucinich’s promises every time he runs for President?

  4. JKB Says:

    Well, if Spitzer is any guide, there would be no shortage of politicians wanting to be the Under-Secretary of Love.

  5. DirtCrashr Says:

    He’s bug-nuts in the starry-skies with rainbow chocolate streams and fluffy-bunny clouds over minty-fresh lawns…

  6. # 9 Says:

    Rainbows and bunnies.

  7. Squeaky Wheel Says:

    I met him. He’s a pretty arrogant snit. We had him speak at the LP of Shelby County meeting last year, and every time someone said something he didn’t like, he would push his chair back from the table and smack his palms on the table. He reminded me of a child. Someone would raise a point, he would argue, and as soon as the argument started going in a direction that he didn’t want to deal with, it was like watching a kid threatening to hold his breath if you don’t give him a cookie. That was my final push into being 100% economically conservative and looking more into 2-A rights and whatnot. So you guys can partially thank Lugo for my presence in this area of teh intarwebs. Rather than writing for their website (which I inquired about, and never received an answer on), I got my own damned site, thankyouverymuch.

  8. Breda Says:

    I’d like them to start a Department of SHUT THE HELL UP.

  9. mike w. Says:

    I’d be a lot more at peace if they’d start getting rid of federal programs/agencies and just leave me alone.

  10. Kristopher Says:

    We already have one.

    Only it’s misnamed the State Department.

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