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Gun Porn

Reader Tim emails his snazzy new Kahr 40:


9 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. drstrangegun Says:

    I was seated next to a gentleman yesterday out at the TWRA range, he was shooting a new Kahr P40. Coincidence?

  2. Robb Allen Says:

    Can someone please explain the need to photograph weapons while violating the rule about keeping things off the trigger? Seems like everyone puts a booger-hook substitute in the trigger guard when taking a photograph.

    Seems dangerous to me.

  3. drstrangegun Says:

    It’s a handy way to prop the gun up. I strive to avoid the method, but occasionally it’s all that will work.

    Admittedly poorly-lit examples. I use two generic water-bottle caps placed open end inwards to each other; they don’t reflect, they don’t scratch, and if I need a little lower height I remove one.

  4. RedDog Says:

    drstrangegun – yes that was me firing it for the first time. Were you firing the Browning 22? I ran about 37 rounds through and had the slide back and magazine out to reload. Before I did, I told the Range Safety Officer that it was hitting to the left. He dropped a round in the barrel, dropped the slide and fired it – on the money. However, I soon found out it is bad practice to hand feed a round into the breech. The 1 round he fired blew the extractor, and related pins and spring out. Found the extractor but nothing else. Today I see my manual warns against doing this and I’m waiting on replacement parts from Kahr.

    Robb Allen – perfectly safe as you can see in the picture the magazine has been removed and the 1 loose round was just ejected prior to taking the photo. Have you ever fired a DAO pistol? How far must you pull the trigger and how many pounds of pressure are required? What I presented in the picture is perfectly safe.

  5. drstrangegun Says:

    Yup, that was me. This world, it is small…

  6. drstrangegun Says:

    One shot and the extractor’s out? Odd. Must have cracked the pin on the in and broke it on the out.

    It’s not a good idea with *any* autopistol to drop one in the chamber. Shotguns and some rifles you can get away with, but a pistol is usually never set up to handle it.

  7. flashman Says:

    I’ve got the P9 and it’s a great sub-compact gun. I imagine in .40 S&W the gun is pretty snappy.

  8. Robb Allen Says:

    My Dan Wesson has something like a 74# or 75# DAO pull. Hell, even fingers have a hard time moving that sucker. So, I know I could do something similar.

    I see it all the time and I can’t help that it gives me the willies. Just like shots where the person has their finger on the trigger and aiming at the camera. Even though you know the pistol is unloaded and you’re using a timer, it still feels wrong. Doesn’t mean it is, just a feeling.

  9. _Jon Says:

    wrt putting anything inside the trigger guard – it becomes a “do as I say, not as I do”. As experts, we know it is safe. But in terms of publicizing the 4 Rules, it violates #4 and makes us look like hypocrites.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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