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So you know

FedEx bans gun on its premises.

9 Responses to “So you know”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    That’s fine. The Mosin Nagant 91/30 I’m buying today will be shipped to my door via UPS : ]

  2. Sebastian Says:

    UPS sucks too on the gun thing. I’ve never seen a FedEX location around here posted, so if it’s a gun free zone they can bite me. Hell, they can just bite me even if they do post, I live in Pennsylvania and don’t have to care.

  3. ColtCCO Says:

    UPS forbids guns on it’s premises as well – and try and get them to ship a gun for a private individual, it’s a hoot.

    No winner here – the USPS is no better.


  4. Jay Says:

    Does that mean there’s no packing at Kinko’s?

  5. AgPilot60 Says:

    In TX the UPS locations that I have seen are posted but the signs do not meet specs so you can ignore them. For GOSH sakes don’t anyone tell them or they will put up the legal ones. Lots of places in TX that posted early on in 1995 still have the non-compliant signs. I don’t tell them any better and carry in anyway.
    We had a CHL student that worked as a nurse at a nursing home. Their sign was a non-compliant one. The do-gooder nurse was going to tell them 1st thing Monday morning that they needed to get in compliance. I like to have come unglued at her. “Aren’t you taking this class so you can carry? Don’t you want to carry at night going to your car in the dark parking lot? Keep your mouth shut and leave it alone!!!”

  6. Squeaky Wheel Says:

    I keep forgetting that not everyone lives in a Hub City – I’ve known about that ban for years now. Tex works at the World Tech Center, and he’s said quite a few times how upset he is that even though he has his CCW now, he can’t do anything with it for 8 hours out of every day. And his workplace will call you out to search your vehicle if they have reasonable cause to believe that you have weapons in your car. Totally don’t think I’d be working there at any point…heh.

  7. chris Says:

    i went into the local UPS hub to ship my ruger back to the factory last month… walked right past the giant sign saying no guns allowed… they didnt seem to care much when i told em that it was a firearm… i have since learned that i didnt have to declare it, but oh well

  8. _Jon Says:

    Yeah, the local FedEx place near Detroit has a sign.
    I took a picture but the phone died before I had a chance to upload it.

  9. John Hardin Says:

    Declare it as “machine parts”.

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