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Ok, what is it?

Via Ridefast.

11 Responses to “Stumped”

  1. Robert Says:

    That’s an industrial fish stapler.

  2. Tom Says:

    I say movie prop…what movie I have no idea.

  3. Rob Says:

    Looks like Han Solo’s blaster

  4. Roger Says:

    Picture is labeled “Terminator 4: Kyle Reese Sidearm” Movie due out in 2009.

  5. flashman Says:

    Who cares? I want one….

  6. bob r Says:

    FUGLY. 🙂

  7. D2k Says:

    I think the chamber is too far forward for it to be based on a real gun.
    also it looks like it’s made from resin.

  8. D2k Says:

    oh didn’t notice they had stuck a magazine on the front left of the gun the first time I looked. prop guns are always so over done.

  9. Alcibiades McZombie Says:

    Looks like a target pistol (not including the crap attached to it).

  10. Curtis Lowe Says:

    An abomination?

  11. Lyle Says:

    A thingy made to look like a thingy that launches projectile thingys.

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