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Well, we can’t go encouraging them

In what has to be another joke, they’re looking at banning fire extinguishers because (and I am not making this up) they are a fire hazard:

Fire extinguishers could be removed from communal areas in flats throughout the country because they are a safety hazard, it has emerged.

The life-saving devices encourage untrained people to fight a fire rather than leave the building, risk assessors in Bournemouth decided.

I weep for the Brits. They’re just in one giant cage that they can’t see the bars of.

One Response to “Well, we can’t go encouraging them”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    When I bought my car the first thing I did was throw away the tire iron. Having it there might tempt me to try to change the tire myself. Now I am forced to call the auto club and leave it to the real professionals.

    I’m much safer now.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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