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Obligatory Heller Round Up

The most important thing to remember: Heller is the First Case, not the Last

The first guy in line: An Arfcommer of course. With pics. Press coverage here.

Here’s a video of Washington DC’s reasonable gun laws in action.

Joe on what’s next.

Liberals and guns: More like this please.

Did Gura concede too much? I can see people thinking that but Gura’s scope was limited to two things: There is an individual right to arms and a ban on handguns violates that right. All else (MGs, CCW, whatever) was not relevant to what he was getting at. By offering some concessions, he got those issues off the table. It was strategy.

TriggerFinger addresses more of that.

Alphie has a round up and predictions.

Anti-gunners and the press who take their dictation think you cannot do math.

Federalism, schmederalism.

Round up of SCOTUS Blog coverage.

Clayton Cramer on bear arms.

Quit your whining.

GOA issues harshly worded press release.

9 Responses to “Obligatory Heller Round Up”

  1. Carlton Says:

    Something I haven’t seen on another blog is how in the hell did the notorious “plastic gun that can evade metal detection” B.S. get mentioned in front of the Supreme Court on a landmark gun case!

    Check out the transcripts on page 29, line 18, from the mouth of the Solicitor General, Paul Clement. Thanks jackass.

    Don’t the anti-gunners say we’re picky about details and ask why we get pissed when they make shit up? This is precisely why.

  2. Jay Says:

    I know that GOA doesn’t have the same kind of budget that the NRA does, but they certainly have enough money to at the very least, create a website that doesn’t look like it was created at the time when the gopher protocol was still used regularly.

  3. Sebastian Says:

    Larry Pratt is slime. Gura has five justices on board with his argument, why the hell would he want to say anything that would jeopardize the win? Oral arguments aren’t a soap box where you get to say whatever you want. Gura had to win the case for his client, and while I do wish the plastic guns and machine gun issue hadn’t come up, and I think maybe Gura could have answered some of those questions better, but it’s easy for someone to say who wasn’t up there. Gura probably helped keep his five justice majority and secured the win for us. Pratt should keep his fucking mouth shut.

  4. ka Says:

    You’ve all missed the really important part, including SayUncle.

    … a video of [a smokin’ hot woman demonstrates] Washington DC’s reasonable gun laws in action

  5. Sebastian Says:

    I didn’t even watch it until you mentioned that ka. Smokin’ indeed.

  6. Alcibiades McZombie Says:

    “Larry Pratt is slime.”

    It should be, “Larry Pratt is a prat”. It’s just too good to pass up.

    Or, call him “Larry Prattfall” or “Larry Prattling”.

  7. Xrlq Says:

    Larry the Prat didn’t bother to note that Justice Scalia saved Mr. Gura from his near own-goal by pointing out that reasonable regulation is not an infringement, which is a bit more sensible than arguing that reasonable infringement is OK. Of course, either view is equally unpalatable to professional whiners like GOA.

  8. Sebastian Says:

    I think “professional” is giving them too much credit.

  9. straightarrrow Says:

    Well as you know, I think “man” is giving you too much credit. Perhaps that is why we all get to have our say, because we have differing opinions even when on the same side?

    Have you told Larry what you told us?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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