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Ammo licenses

In Cali, they want to require a permit to purchase ammo.

3 Responses to “Ammo licenses”

  1. Jay Says:

    Whatever happened with this in New Jersey? They tried to do something similar. In fact, mere possession of ammunition in NJ without an FID would be illegal under the new proposal. Of course, that meant if any hunter living in MD and going through NJ on his way to NY were pulled over and his trunk inspected when he informed the law enforcement officer he had guns in the car, could be arrested for now having a NJ FID for the ammunition he’d have in the trunk.

    Like I said, not sure where this went, but that was the proposed legislation.

  2. oldguy Says:

    Illinois has a Firearms Owner Identification card, or FOID. It is my understanding that you must have one in order to buy a gun or ammunition.
    And, I believe the FOID has been around for more than 25 years.

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    I think New Jersey and California share from the same, Democrat Central Committee on Legislative Ideas.
    Some Apparatchik with a file-folder labeled “What’s Next Comrads!” hops on the red-eye and flys cross-country, because they have shown nothing new in the way of ideas, it’s the same old 5-Year Plan and Talking Points over and over again.

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