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Obama and his passport

He who shall not be middle-named on the fact his passport info was recently viewed without authorization:

This is an outrageous breach of security and privacy, even from an Administration that has shown little regard for either over the last eight years. Our government’s duty is to protect the private information of the American people, not use it for political purposes. This is a serious matter that merits a complete investigation, and we demand to know who looked at Senator Obama’s passport file, for what purpose, and why it took so long for them to reveal this security breach,

Kinda funny though how he thinks that right to privacy business goes out the window when one chooses to exercise their right to keep arms.

Via Billy Beck.

8 Responses to “Obama and his passport”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:

    I think this whole passport deal is much ado about nothing…having said that, I’m not sure where Obama is advocating some sort of open-records rule regarding gun ownership.

  2. Derrick Durroh Says:

    I think people are too hung on the passport being the direct object in the issue. The issue is that, the unjust government actions are being exercised in front of us. No one told Obama that they were going to pull his passport files. I don’t Obama cares about the passport to begin with. He’s concerned, and pushing the issue of how the government follows a trend. In Obama’s case. The government is afraid of Obama coming into office and setting order to the lobbiest control over the U.S. That means a stop in inside money flow. Think about. The government is a business. What business owner doesn’t like to make money. It’s all about money. Owners make the most money when business moves lower the output in employee wages, or unemployment. If Obama were to get into office. The lobbiest would make less money, enabling the american people to make more money. This is common sense. People more ready to accept this reality if you use the example of Banks such as Chase, or BOA. To be honest non supporters of Obama should be the ones who are outraged. This event only shows truth to every thing obama talks about. You may not like the truth, but it’s tue.

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    This is also a damn good argument against goverment-monopoly (single-payer, Hillary care, socialized medicine…) health care.

    Remember Chucky’s minions snooping through Michal Steele’s credit report?

    Those FBI records “found” in the White House during the Clinton years?

    But I suppose we’ll just “prosecute the holy hell” out of the guilty parties.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    Oh, ask yourself if hypothetically your records were snooped into at the State Department, would subcontractors be fired? Would you, Joe Citizen, even be told about that fact?

  5. tgirsch Says:

    Actually, “He who shall not be middle named” didn’t say that. A spokesperson for his campaign did.


  6. srepen Says:

    hi all

    Obama pastor Jermia Wright din’t preach hate, he preached love and unity.

    check full video about the Americans coming to roost you will understand who he is. Every one need to see this truth



  7. Billy Beck Says:

    It was not FBI files found in the White House book room. They were Rodham’s Rose law firm billing records, disproving the lie that she had never worked on the Castle Grande deal.

    They were only under federal subpoena for two years, prior, so I don’t know what the big deal is.

    Oh, and pay no attention to the fact that the billing records had Vince Foster’s fingerprints on them. It means nothing at all. Move along, citizen.

    (I’ve forgotten more about this rot than most people ever knew.)

  8. straightarrrow Says:

    First off, the Patriot Act pretty much fucked everybody, why should Obama be treated differently?

    Second, BB, if Vince Foster had had a gun he would be alive today. I mean if he had had it before he was dead.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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