My own UW just came out with a study that showed that “abstinence-only” sex ed led to higher teen pregnancy rates blah blah.
The problem is that “abstinence-only” is somewhat of a misnomer, given that the term is used to cover the sex-ed that I got in Oregon, in which it was stressed that abstinence is the best approach for the avoidance of STD’s and unwanted pregnancy. Never mind that it was an entirely comprehensive sex-ed class and that it went through the rigmarole on birth control, anatomy, and the works.
The long and short of this is that if you stress abstinence even while teaching all the other stuff, the liberals won’t like you and will call your curriculum “abstinence only,” even though it is not. Assholes.
April 8th, 2008 at 11:28 am
My own UW just came out with a study that showed that “abstinence-only” sex ed led to higher teen pregnancy rates blah blah.
The problem is that “abstinence-only” is somewhat of a misnomer, given that the term is used to cover the sex-ed that I got in Oregon, in which it was stressed that abstinence is the best approach for the avoidance of STD’s and unwanted pregnancy. Never mind that it was an entirely comprehensive sex-ed class and that it went through the rigmarole on birth control, anatomy, and the works.
The long and short of this is that if you stress abstinence even while teaching all the other stuff, the liberals won’t like you and will call your curriculum “abstinence only,” even though it is not. Assholes.