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Someone sent me an email about a new anti-gun group (I know that because it was in the title) and gmail dropped it in the spam folder. I hit the delete all button and as it was going away, I saw the email title. So, if that was you, re-send it.

6 Responses to “Oops”

  1. K-Romulus Says:

    Could it have been that new Bloomberg group “County Executives Against Illegal Guns?” I understand an Eastern TN pol (Iliff McMahan of Cocke County) is a charter member.

  2. Guav Says:

    Shouldn’t it still be in the gmail trash?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    no. spam items just go away when deleted.

  4. Mike Says:

    Hey – that was me. It’s on my blog:

    [url=] post[/url]

  5. Mike Says:

    doh messed up the tags on that one – let’s try that again…

  6. Mike Says:

    Third times the charm? I’m way too young to be this inept at things technological. post

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