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In Nevada:

Gov. Jim Gibbons temporarily surrendered his concealed weapons permit after it was found he hadn’t completed required qualification training for each of his nine handguns, a newspaper reported.

15 Responses to “Training?”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Huh? So if he qulifies with say a G19, he can’t carry a G29? Or does it mean that for me to carry my 1911 I also need to qualify with my CZ-52 and my .22 pistols just because they live in the same gun vault???

    I thought Nevada was above such dumb laws….

  2. Rob Says:

    You have to qualify with each model that you would like on your permit. In this case G19 is different than a G29. They did recently change the law so a revolver is a revolver is a revolver. Meaning if you have one on your permit, you can carry any revolver.

  3. HardCorps Says:

    Holy shit! How’d the CCW crew in NV screw that up!?!? LoL! So that means you can’t own a pistol other than what you’ve ‘trained’ with if you have a CCW?

  4. Mikee Says:

    Another reason to like TEXAS, where I live. Here your CHL (concealed handgun license) has the possibility of two categories.

    NSA allows only handguns that are not semi-automatic, like a revolver, a derringer, or a single shot (say, a Thompson-Contender (hehehe)). You have to qualify with a non-semi-automatic to obtain this type license, but then you can carry ANY non-semi-auto you want.

    SA category of CHL license allows carry of all types of handguns, whether semi-automatic or not. You have to qualify with a semi-automatic during your training class to obtain this category of license. Then you can carry a Desert Eagle 50AE if you so desire, and can keep one concealed, or a NAA Black Widow 22LR, or anything in between.

    And you can carry more than one handgun, if you want. I recall reading but can’t find with a quick google search, Kim du Toit was once stopped by a state trooper who got him to surrender both of his concealed handguns for the duration of their discussion. I think Kim was impressed the trooper was smart enough to ask if there were any more, after the first one….


  5. Moriarty Says:

    I thought Nevada was above such dumb laws….

    We’re working on it. Last legislative session, all revolvers became “generic” and (if it weren’t for a particular asshat from Vegas) autoloaders would have followed.

    OTOH, we have a few good things here: Open carry, preemption, unlicensed concealed carry while in your vehicle, nonresident permits, limited reciprocity and no restrictions on gun shows. Las Vegas (which continues to insist that it’s part of Nevada) has handgun registration, but otherwise there’s no registration requirement.

    Bear in mind, we don’t have full time legislators here (we like our elected officials to hold real jobs), so the gears turn slowly. Nevada’s legislature meets every two years for a ninety day session. For decades, we’ve tried to change this to two days every ninety years, but so far no luck.

  6. Paul Says:

    I believe that here in Tennessee you can carry any pistol that doesn’t actually pull your pants down, leaving you open to a charge of indecent exposure. Our permits are “Handgun Carry Permits”. They don’t even require that the gun be concealed, though it’s prudent to do so since some of our police officers aren’t as up to speed on this law as they should be. Don’t want to scare little old ladies, either.

  7. KCSteve Says:

    In Missouri it’s CCW – Concealed Carry, Weapon.
    You have to ‘show proficiency’ with both a revolver and a semi-auto during the qualification (which is roughly ‘points in the right general direction’).
    Interestingly one required part of the class is how to clean / maintain both kinds.

    One of the three bits in the law only says ‘firearms’ so one Sherriff has decided that we really have a CCH permit and put other things (batons, knives over 4″, etc) back into limbo.

    Overally we’ve got a pretty darn good law, and they’re working on the few tweaks we need to make it better.

    I generally only have one firearm on me, although I did go to one even with two 9mm’s and a 4″ .45 (a new guy was coming who had questions about how to conceal). I always have other options.

    Remember, there are no weapons. Just tools + attitude. Tools are everywhere and I always keep a supply of Attitude. 😉

  8. Paul Says:

    Like Mikee says. Thank goodness I live in Texas. Qualify with a simi-auto and you can carry anything. Qualify with a revolver, and it’s revolver only.

    Nevada needs to get some common sense. Heck, in Vermont and Alaska there isn’t no qualification even needed to pack a gun. And notice how much crime they have (or don’t have.)

  9. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Wow, In Mass if you can GET the permit (Its a “May Issue” State…some towns are friendly, others REALLY AREN’T) you can carry, and you can carry ANYWHERE outside of Schools and Federal buildings. Bars? Fine, so long as you don’t get drunk. Places that are posted? Fine, so long as you leave if they ask you to.

    Of course with our “Consumer Protection Act” designed to protect us from dangerous handguns (namely guns who’s manufacturers don’t want to Bribe the state AG) the gun selection IS slightly limeted, and All high-cap mags must be manufactured BEFORE the 1994 Ban.

    All you really need is to have taken a safty class where you toss some lead down range with a revolver and a semi-auto, and you’re good to go.

    It scares me a little how simple our Socialist Blue-state’s carry laws are compared to some of the Red State laws.

  10. Cactus Jack Says:

    Here in Wyoming it’s a concealed FIREARM permit. I never had to take a firearms training course because my Army National Guard DD form 214 met the training qualifications.

    As far as I know in Wyoming you dont need to train to use any particular handgun for the concealed permit. It appears that Wyoming assumes that if you own it, you know how to use it safely.

    “Gibbons originally qualified with all nine guns, had the permit 10 years and was renewing it in December, Kieckhefer said.”

    He had the permit for TEN YEARS and just now remembered that he had’nt completed the course?

    “Gibbons denied getting special treatment from sheriff’s staff or the instructor, and said he surrendered his permit until he completed the necessary training.”

    Now if he’d “originally qualified with all nine guns” then how did he NOT complete the training? Did’nt get preferential treatment? Uh huh, sure.

  11. Regolith Says:

    …which continues to insist that it’s part of Nevada…

    …despite all evidence to the contrary. 😛

    I didn’t know that Gibbons had a CCW. Makes me glad I voted for the guy.

    I knew Nevada’s CCW permit process was a bit screwed up, but I’ve never had to deal with it since I haven’t lived in state since I came of age. I’m still a resident, but I’m not there enough to really justify the expense and time it would take (around maybe nine weeks a year, in one to three week intervals), and I spend most of my time in rural Northern Nevada where it’s not that big of an issue.

  12. Xrlq Says:

    So Nevada makes you qualify with each kind of handgun you carry. I get that. what I don’t get is why he surrendered his permit upon discovering he had qualified with “only” 7 of his 9 guns, rather than seek a reissued permit for all 9, and reserve the right to carry the original 7 in the interim. The other part that strikes me as odd is that this was a renewal, not oriignal issue. Does NV make you re[eat the course every time you renew?

  13. Moriarty Says:

    A Nevada CCW permit requires an FBI/Highway Patrol background check, 8 hours of class instruction and that the applicant demonstrate proficiency at the range with the firearm(s) named on the permit. (Make and model only. There is no recording of serial numbers.) The permit is valid for 4 years and renewal requires that the permitee retake the class and practical before expiration.

    Permits are processed by the county sheriff’s office on a “shall issue” basis; some agencies bent the rules by allowing “semi-auto” to be listed as the type of firearm, but I understand this was frowned on by the legislature. The last session “revolver” was added as a generic class but autopistols require a specific model/make. (However, my permit covers “1911 and clones” since all 1911s are functionally identical. Some counties may do the same for “Glock.”)

    A permit covers two firearms. If one is a revolver, you’re now good for all revolvers. Autoloaders require that you demonstrate proficiency with each make/model. Additional pistols can be added for an additional fee. Gibbons probably failed to requalify with all of his permitted autopistols.

    I haven’t kept up with this, but on several occasions I’ve been able to bypass the Brady Check because my permit stood as an FBI background check. I understand there’s been some back-and-forth with the ATF over this and I don’t know if that’s still the case.

    Next session, the push will be to overcome the resistance to a generic “semi-auto” category (a measure blocked this last session by a certain committee chair from Vegas) and to improve reciprocity and nonresident licensure. As above, Nevada already has open carry and defines automobiles as an extension of your home with respect to carrying in your vehicle. (Certain areas of Vegas and Boulder City have preempted this, however, and remain grandfathered. There are also State Dept. of Wildlife regs that bar chamber-loaded long arms in your vehicle while hunting.) There is no state requirement to inform LEOs that you are carrying if you’re pulled over. Most county sheriffs have no issues with NFA transactions and there are no state laws affecting transfers.

    We only got concealed carry in 1995, largely by the efforts of some police chiefs and sheriffs who had their heads screwed on straight and who ignored the usual howls of “Dodge City!” from the usual suspects. Whether we get Alaska or Vermont carry remains to be seen, but we’re chipping away at it.

  14. Moriarty Says:

    One more thing: The Associated Press doesn’t know its ass from a hole in the ground. I doubt Gibbons (a Gulf War vet who flew tactical recon in F4s, BTW) “surrendered” his permit for any length of time.

    Likely, they simply rewrote it to reflect the fact that he was only “qualified” to carry seven of nine weapons on the original permit.

    (The implication being: If the Governor surrendered his CCW permit because he wasn’t qualified, how can you unwashed knuckle-draggers possibly be allowed to carry concealed?)

  15. Rick Forman Says:

    Tennessee’s first try at carry permit law required you to qualify with the firearm you were going to carry and the permit was issued for that firearm. Basically the firearm was the holder of the permit. You had to put the S/N on the application form too which drew a lot of flack as defacto registration.

    A rare bit of common sense prevailed in the legislature and those requirements were later removed. Given the way “Say No” Naifeh is conducting bizness in Nashville now, I doubt those would be successfully removed today. And Jimbo would promote it as a pro gun.

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