And in this corner
Jimmy Naifeh (the speaker who kills Tennessee’s pro gun bills) is up for re-election. Meet his opponent, Rory Bricco. He’s quite pro-gun.
Jimmy Naifeh (the speaker who kills Tennessee’s pro gun bills) is up for re-election. Meet his opponent, Rory Bricco. He’s quite pro-gun.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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April 15th, 2008 at 11:54 am
“He’s quite pro-gun” rather than just claiming to be pro-gun?? Excellent! That means he will actually support legislation that is in accordance with the wroding of the 2nd Amendment AND Article I, Section 26 of the State Constitution’s Declaration of Rights. Let us rid ourselves of this oxymoronic House Speaker who speaks in support of the same and then uses his inordinate power to violate the RKBA.
April 15th, 2008 at 4:40 pm
He’s got my money, however little it may be.
April 15th, 2008 at 6:06 pm
It seems to me that ANYONE would be a improvement over Naifeh. I dont live in Tennessee but I can sympathize with you folks who do and have to put up with that cull.
When y’all send him packing please dont send him to Wyoming. 🙂
April 16th, 2008 at 2:44 pm
Where ever in Tennessee you live, it doesn’t matter, write a check to Rory. $25 would help.
Let’s remove the idiot Naifeh.
April 16th, 2008 at 5:26 pm
I think the 81st district is going to be a key factor this year. If you value the freedoms you have under the Constitution, then helping Rory Bricco win this election will directly affect ALL Tennesseans’ right to keep and bear arms, not just the 30,000 or so voters in that district. Send what you can and if you can’t send money then at least help spread the word about Rory Bricco on blogs such as this one. Every little bit helps. You can’t imagine how critical this is going to be for the entire state. Please visit his website and learn more about this great guy. I happen to know him personally and can vouch for his character and integrity. Now if only someone would vouch for mine 😉
Have a great day folks and don’t forget to visit
April 17th, 2008 at 10:01 am
Please do not forget the other pro 2nd folks running in Tennessee for TN house and US house:
Teresa Sheppard 3rd district TN House of Representatives
Tona Monroe Ball 20th district TN House or Representatives
April 17th, 2008 at 10:02 am
Teresa Sheppard is running for district 3 Tennessee U.S. house of representatives…
April 20th, 2008 at 10:22 pm
Rory ‘The Brick’ Bricco is a man of great integrity and a hard worker. I’ve known him personally for almost 30 years. Rory Bricco is the man we need! A relatively few voters in Tennessee (part of the 81st district) have been holding the WHOLE STATE HOSTAGE by keeping the present Speaker in office.
A couple of the last campaigns against Speaker Naifeh have been pretty close runs. New people moving into the district don’t support Naifeh and it is a fast growing area. If the people of this state would get in behind Rory Bricco those who’ve run the numbers say that he could very well be able to beat Mr. Naifeh. It’ll take a good amount of money to run a powerful campaign.
If just each pro-Second Amendment/freedom-loving individual in this state would send ONE DOLLAR it would be enough to unseat the present Speaker and send a good man–Rory Bricco–to fill that seat.
I see that Rory Bricco’s blog is up and running. Go check it out. Go to and click on the ‘Blog’ button. Let’s post some comments and show The Brick that he has our support.