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Lions in Chicago? Of course, you can’t have a gun to shoot them either.

4 Responses to “Critters”

  1. nk Says:

    Thanks for the link.

    You could not shoot them even if you had a gun. Firing a firearm in the direction of a residence is a major felony in Illinois. And a firearm is defined as anything which propels a projectile, by the expansion of gas, other than a single globular pellet not exceeding .180 inches in diameter, at less than 750 feet per second. Technically, a straw and a spitball is a firearm if the spitball is larger than a BB.

    We could bowhunt them, I suppose. They’re not protected under Illinois’s game laws because they are not native to Illinois.

  2. BobG Says:

    We get them here in town all the time, but nobody has ever had to shoot them. They usually get holed up in somebody’s back yard after being chased by dogs and kids. The animal control people haul them back up into the hills.

  3. nk Says:


    Mayor Daley went on TV to justify the shooting. The poor thing was probably more scared than the cops who shot it.

  4. Rob K Says:

    I am actually kinda’ glad to see this. There have been many cougar sightings in Indiana but the DNR always claims that there are no cougars loose in Indiana.

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