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Except their vote counts 10,000 times more than yours


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5 Responses to “Except their vote counts 10,000 times more than yours”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    Wow, the comments are a hoot! Hil-LIE-ry. Dean is trying to oust Cankles. Obama doesn’t want democracy.

    It’s like watching retarded chickens try to peck each other. I really think Col. McTigh might have a shot when the D’s fall apart. He better hope so cuz I’m still not very motivated to vote for him at this point.

  2. Kristopher Says:

    Dean followed Heinlein’s politics manual to the letter. His followers now own the Democratic Party.

    They might never be rid of him.

  3. nk Says:

    Please pass the popcorn.

  4. tgirsch Says:

    As anti-democratic as this is (and it is), I still don’t see how it’s fundamentally different from, say, the Electoral College. Or, for that matter, from the Republican primaries, where your vote only counts if you voted for the guy who won your state…

  5. Xrlq Says:

    The Republican primaries are indeed analogous to the Electoral College. The Democrat primaries are more like the House of Lords.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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