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New Shooter

AC takes a newbie to the range.

One Response to “New Shooter”

  1. Lyle Says:


    In the NRA basic Pistol classes, we teach the “six fundamentals of pistol shooting”:

    Breath control
    Sight alignment
    Trigger squeeze

    In that order, because each one depends on the one above it. Those are all important in learning it right the first time, so one does not have to “unlearn” bad habits in the future. We go through each one separately, explaining it in detail, before we have them shoot. Then as they’re on the shooting line, we have them explain what they’re doing, so they get reinforcement of each fundamental. The dominant eye test is mandatory to understanding how one will proceed.

    Regarding sight alignment; we show them diagrams. Part of sight alignment is of course sight hold– where to hold on the target. That will depend on how your individual pistols are regulated. When I did my 25 yard NRA qualification shoot, I was holding the top edge of the front sight on the center of the target (combat hold) ’cause that’s how I have my pistols regulated. In this case I was using a pistol provided by the instructors. I realized only after that the pistol was regulated for a bull’s-eye hold (top edge of the front sight held at the bottom edge of the bull’s-eye). Therefore a lot of my shots went above the bull’s-eye (still squeaked by and qualified). The bull’s-eye hold is good for targets with a black bull, ’cause it leaves your sights in the white where you can see them clearly. It’s application pretty specialized, however.

    You get those fundamentals into them the first time, and they’re ready to proceed on their own and build on them.

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