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From my glass house

Josh Sugarmann notes the NRA lost one million members. So did the Million Mom March, but who’s counting? Ok, the moms didn’t lose them they never had them.

In other news, The Violence Policy Center criticizing someone’s numbers? That’s awesome. They must have googled this up.

7 Responses to “From my glass house”

  1. Paul Says:

    He is an idiot.

    The article talks about NRA INSURANCE. That is the NRA members that have insurnace. I bet not all NRA members have that insurance (I don’t) and thus there are 4 million, but only about three million have insurance thru the NRA.

    Maybe we need a ‘nationial NRA insurance’ program. Like Hillary’s health care.

  2. Mikee Says:

    I was an NRA member about a decade ago, and got fed up with the constant fundraising letters from them, so I let my membership go at the end of that year. However, they had a neat range bag offer this year, and it is an election year, so I figured they’d be a good source of election news. I signed up again.

    Range bag is nice, news they send out is nice, but the unsolicited mail offers (except by my being a member) are still a bit much.

    All in all, it is an ok deal to be a member, but jeez, can the NRA generate mailings!

  3. Bitter Says:

    They must have googled this up.

    They didn’t. Otherwise they would have known this news is about 2 1/2 years old.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    Mikee, they eventually slow the fund raising mail to a trickle, assuming you don’t sent them any money.

    I’m about to raise myself up from “Life” to “Endowment” level, so I’m bracing for the flood.

  5. Don Meaker Says:

    I joined this year. Wasn’t a member for 2 or 3 years before that.

  6. Don Meaker Says:

    And the rummy didn’t understand that people are more vulnerable when traveling because at home you have some idea of neighborhoods to avoid. On the road, not so much.

  7. Ravenwood Says:

    I was talking with one of my anti-gun friends one time.. he was ranting against the NRA and then said something like, “Sorry, I know how you are a big fan of the NRA.”

    I told him I actually quit the NRA years ago. When he asked why I told him, “They’re too liberal.” Jaw hit floor.

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