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Red light shooter

Boy, you shoot one red light camera and everyone thinks you’re nuts.

4 Responses to “Red light shooter”

  1. Kristopher Says:

    Shooting a red light camera is crazy. You are supposed to necklace them with a flaming petrol-soaked tire, like they do in Great Britain.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    Either this guy is a whackjob, or the State is setting him up.

    Or it could be both.

    But I don’t think he’s half as clever as he seems to think he is.

    Too bad. Somebody needs to neckace those cameras.

  3. straightarrrow Says:

    I do not believe the cops. They would have shot him if they thought they could have if he had done what they said and he had done what they said.

    Everyone involved says he had them at gunpoint, yet he did not shoot them.

    something about the story rings false.

  4. straightarrrow Says:

    change one “he” to “they”.

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