Archive for April, 2008

April 17, 2008

Practical shooting

Or murder training?

More on Philly’s Illegal Gun Laws

“As far as I am concerned, the laws are valid and we will act as if this whole conversation with the D.A. just didn’t take place,” Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said.


Airplane Discharge Makes CNN

We bloggers have been talking about this for a while. But the pilot whose firearm discharged likely due to TSA policy has made CNN:

April 16, 2008

Gunblogger in NYT

David Codrea, that is.

Here’s his bit for the NYT.

Maryville Indoor Range Open

Gunny’s is apparently open for business. And their website is much improved. So says an email I received.

You must be crazy

To want a gun.

Trust me, it will happen.

Giving up

On big brother:

You know, I’ve gotta tell ya’ll – with every city, town, and slightly populated area with an intersection making kissy-faces at Redflex, my rebellious streak has gotten worn down. Let’s face it. Robo-Smokey is the unstoppable wave of the future.

More prez candidates on guns

RedBlueAmerica looks at the candidates and guns.

Chicks and Guns

A good read on how one woman became a gun person.


Philly DA says their recent gun laws are on their face, illegal acts. Well, arrest the perpetrators.

Update: NRA pursuing a restraining order.

Quote of the Day

PGP on Hillsy and Barack Cheryl Tiegs Obama pandering to gun owners:

It’s like watching two Klansmen argue over which one likes minorities more.



Is that a synonym for factually deficient?

Apparently, MSNBC won’t run the Mayors Against Guns ad because it’s controversial:

“How could the network call something controversial that all three candidates agree about,” he said. “All three cands have called for the gun-show loophole to be closed.”

Because we’ have to admit all three candidates are ignorant on the issue. I think McCain has since recanted, not sure though. Sales at gun shows are subject to the same federal regulations as sales not at gun shows.

Jay has more.

And did you know that Oliver Willis was still around? I didn’t. I guess at some point everyone stopped making fun of him and so I wasn’t exposed to his special brand of stupid anymore.


When losing, claim you’re winning.

Cav Arms Update

The story so far: CavArms sold polymer lower receivers for AR-15s. The receivers were injection molded off site. CavArms reached an agreement and got an approval letter from BATF stating that the method of off site production was OK! ATF randomly changes it’s mind without telling anyone (like they do a lot) Then, they raid CavArms.

Now, the latest:

ATF has initiated Civil Asset Forfeiture for all of the firearms seized in the raid. The list includes firearms that belong to employees, customers, and were here on consignment. We are not going to let them take it all unchallenged, we have retained counsel specializing in asset forfeiture and will be talking with them this week. We will update with more information as it becomes available.
In Civil Asset Forfeiture, the Government sues the property, and you have to respond as a claimant proving you have a legal right to it. That is the jist of it….google it and you will find a lot of stuff.

The way this stuff works is NOT how they tell you it works in high school civics class. I keep reading posts from people about “well the way things are supposed to be is…!” Well it’s not. The way things are supposed to be and the way they actually are, are two different things.
In Criminal Forfeiture, yes and you have to be convicted. In Civil Forfeiture you have to prove your innocence, or the innocence of the property as not being used in the commission of crimes, etc.

All ninjaed up and no one to shoot

Tam on the religious weirdos in Texas: The seriously outgunned (by a ratio of several hundred to zero) religious weirdos in the facility, which has been downgraded from “compound” to “ranch” to “retreat”, claimed they were terrified that they were going to be attacked. And given the track record (no pun intended) of mechanized law enforcement against nut-fudge religious types in Texas, can you really blame them?

I’m just glad no one was set on fire.


Lions in Chicago? Of course, you can’t have a gun to shoot them either.

My blog was taking sniper fire.

Woke up today and my internets were broken. Upgraded to WP2.5. Me no likey interface.

April 15, 2008

Miracle Chip


And in this corner

Jimmy Naifeh (the speaker who kills Tennessee’s pro gun bills) is up for re-election. Meet his opponent, Rory Bricco. He’s quite pro-gun.

Gun Porn

Small and odd guns.

I smell Reasoned Discoursetm coming

Some guy named Cliff Lyon is spamming the pro-gun blogs and linking to his post at One Utah in which he takes Alan Korwin to task for asserting:

Guns save hundreds of thousands of lives a year.

Says Cliff: This is the beauty of the internet. Unsupportable public comments and the people who make them can be taken to task and a permanent record established.

Well, I’m not Alan Korwin (and you could ask Alan on his blog) so I don’t know to what he was referring. However, it could have been a number of sources. He may have referenced the Department of Justice (about 700K); Gary Kleck at the University of Florida (2.5M) ; John Lott; or the Bureau of Justice Statistics National Crime Victimization Survey. Pick one.

Gun Culture

Lyle welcomes 8 to it.

Flashlight Blogging

Les Jones is flashlight blogging: A Maglite is a gateway drug to a serious flashlight addiction. Surefires, Streamlights and Fenixes are the hard stuff. I’ve got one of each now and I’m still looking for the perfect light.


What media bias against guns?

Howard Nemerov has a must read on the bias against guns in the press, particularly the press being All AK-47 All The Time!

Boy, is his face red

Now, I poke fun of Barack Smurfette Obama by always giving him a random middle name to make fun of the fact that we can’t mention his middle name without being called racists. But I’d never go that far.


Sebastian on why we need castle doctrine: Because when you’re cleared of any wrongdoing in a self-defense case, the scumbag ought not be able to sue you.

Articles of Faith

It must be that the NRA is a shill for Republicans.

Let’s ask Bill Richardson, who you’ll recall some discussion of getting NRA to change its position of not endorsing during primaries.

Come to think of it, if Richardson was still in the race, I’d pull the lever for him over McCain.

These are not the FOIDs you’re looking for

Thirdpower notes that Illinois State Police refuse to release FOIA requests for Steven Kazmierczak’s Firearms Owner Identification Card. He was the NIU shooter. The state AG recommended it be released. Now, it could be standard operating procedure to break the law and not comply with such a request. Or it could be that they’re covering their butts since they approved a FOID for a person who may have been prohibited by law from owning a firearm.

That’s gay

Marko wrote the excellent Why The Gun Is Civilization. It shot up all over the internet and was mis-attributed to a marine major. Heck, even Neal Boortz read it on the air and attributed it incorrectly. But now, the gun-toting scientologists are using it in their advertisements.

Apparently, and I found this quite interesting, the stolen and mis-attributed version omits one word.

On the bright side, I guess Marko is kinda famous.

Mayors Against Guns on the tubes

They’ve set up a youtube channel and are really pushing this fictitious gun show loophole thing. They’re also reminding everyone that McCain buys this gun show loophole nonsense.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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