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Unfortunate name for unfortunate cause

In my never ending quest for scientific research, I decided to Google up images of Marci Milfs to see if she lives up to her name. And if she’s offended by sexually charged books then she should never do that.

3 Responses to “Unfortunate name for unfortunate cause”

  1. Russ Says:

    I don’t see an email link for you, so here’s a tip:,2933,354149,00.html

  2. ben Says:

    Shouldn’t that shirt read Mylf?

  3. Lyle Says:

    What– she’s not free to stay out of any place she finds offensive?

    What– the store in question, and the contents therein, are not private property?

    What– kids are being forced to go into said store without their parents’ consent?

    What– kids aren’t learning about private property rights in public schools? Whoda thunk?

    “Shouldn’t that shirt read Mylf?” Just so, depending of course upon the observer. Maybe Mymltf ([might] depending on the circumstances and/or your orientation).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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