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There’s a fat lady doing some falsetto

Or writing a concession speech.

So, Barack EBITDA Obama won North Carolina. And Hillsy’s victory in Indiana wasn’t so stellar. I mean, her ads celebrating our right to arms were so convincing!

Seems all the pundits are saying Hillary is done for unless there’s a superdelegate coup or a lawsuit that says Michigan and Florida voters count for something. The former would be bad for the Dems for a variety of reasons, including a major blow to the Dems stranglehold on the black vote. The latter would drip with irony so delicious that I’d bottle it up and sell it as a mop sauce for ribs. But, then, Democrats suing in an attempt to override an election wouldn’t surprise anyone.

Will Hillary drop out? I don’t think so. She’ll fight to the end. She’s been planning this for more than a decade. Hell, when McCain is getting sworn in, she’ll still be campaigning.

McCain now has a sizable war chest. And he’s been getting ready to unleash the hounds on the victor of the Democrat primary for a while. So, now the fun begins.

The only trouble I have is I can’t remember if I’ll owe Sean or Tom a beer.

Update: Heh.

6 Responses to “There’s a fat lady doing some falsetto”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:

    Me…and a bottle of bourbon come November.

  2. HardCorps Says:

    too bad 26% of republicans voted against Juan Insane last nice in NC..

  3. Linoge Says:

    Given the Clintons’ past experiences with people who… got in their way… I would not quite count her out yet. Unfortunately.

  4. Curtis Lowe Says:

    He said “EBITDA.” Heh.

  5. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Actually it looks like she will have a majority on the DNC rules committee which will allow her to have MI and FL delagates seated which would give the the nomination.

  6. # 9 Says:

    The only question left is how bad will Hillary hurt Barack “Eddie Haskell” Obama when she loses. She will tell her troops to vote McCain.

    You want ugly, you haven’t seen anything yet.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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