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And that’s better?

So, lost in all the outrage over being called bitter by Barack Rock to the Planet Rock Don’t Stop Obama, we missed out on the fact he supposedly gave us gun owners props just hours before:

“We need sensible gun laws,” said the Senator. “I just got back from Montana where just about everyone has guns. In that culture, fathers and sons bond over hunting. You can’t take that away from rural America. But the inner city is different, and we should tighten the laws on gun purchases and close the loopholes in gun show sales to unscrupulous buyers. The gun control people and the right to bear arms people are talking past each other about disconnected topics.”

I was unaware that there was an inner city exemption to the right to bear arms. Who knew? And isn’t that kinda, you know, racist?

6 Responses to “And that’s better?”

  1. Robert Says:

    Some savvy reporter ought to get him to expand on this topic until he advocates suspending the second amendment for folks with melanin in their skin.

  2. Mikee Says:

    Senator Obama makes his false distinction between urban and rural gun use in order to further his despicable agenda of “local rule” for gun laws. Under his proposed rule of letting local government legislate “common sense” firearm control laws, by driving down an interstate, I can become a felon by driving from my home to the gun range and crossing a county line, a city limit, a school or hospital zone, and so on. That way, my owning guns becomes illegal.

    Well screw that.

  3. Drew Says:

    LMAO at the Afrika Bambaataa reference, nice one. That song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day (not a bad thing).

  4. Ron W Says:

    “I was unaware that there was an inner city exemption to the right to bear arms. Who knew? And isn’t that kinda, you know, racist?”

    YES! YES! It’s racist, arbitrary, elitist and its the basis of slavery. The RIGHT to armed self defense is the basic difference (discrimination) between slaves and free people.

    Barack Obama and ALL who support disarming us are pro-slavery. They claim to look backward and abhor it and want apologies and reparartions because of it, but thye are FOR IT NOW!!!

    And IF Obama supports local gun control laws, then he should NOT support federal ones that would impose gun control on those places which don’t have them. But NOOO, he’s not gonna go for that!!! He supported a ban on all CCW which are under the laws of “the several States”.

  5. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    “Inner City/Urban” and “Rural” are only code words for “Black” and “White”, respectivly, when a Rethuglican says it.

    Didn’t you know that?

  6. JJR Says:

    This was a temporary philosophical weigh station of my own before I came back to being full-on pro RBKA and fully understood the racist roots of gun control.

    Perhaps Barack is learning–though clearly not fast enough.

    I think the SCOTUS will probably keep either Hillary or Obama in check re: 2A if they win and try to push in an anti-gun direction…but the wheels of American justice creep very slowly and they could cause a lot of mischief before it gets corrected by the SCOTUS.

    If McCain wins, we’ll still have to be vigilant about RKBA, but there would be less to worry about.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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