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In Defense of TN GOP

Ya know, I find B-Ho is mostly a self-righteous attention whore. So, let’s just get that out of the way first.

But this whole dust up over Barack Milhouse Obama’s wife is stupid. See, once your wife hopped into the campaign, shit she says is fair game. Period. Done. End of story. Too bad for you, she said some pretty stupid shit. Even our senator is getting in on the rebuke! But I’ll tell you why it’s dumb. Actually, I won’t because Rachel Lucas already has and it’s easier to just quote that:

What a dickhead. He can’t possibly believe that things his wife says at political campaign rallies are immune from criticism. As Hot Air pointed out, Barack himself has criticized Bill Clinton in the exact same way. And I will give each of you five trillion dollars if Cindy McCain ever says anything massively stupid and inflammatory on stage at a public McCain campaign event, and the Obama campaign ignores it because she’s the wife, not the candidate.

All’s fair in love, war, and politics. Put on your big boy pants and step in the game. Now, back to my regularly scheduled not giving a shit about Michelle Obama’s feelings.

19 Responses to “In Defense of TN GOP”

  1. _Jon Says:

    And this guy thinks he can ‘negotiate’ with dictators….

  2. Ron W Says:

    Michelle Obama is fair political game. She is a Council on Foreign Relations member, a tiny, but very powerful group composed of establishment politicians of both parties and talking heads in the major media. You can’t join, but are invited in. So Michelle Obama probably plans to be evry bit the “co-president” that Hillary Clinton claimed pirior to the election of Clinton and Clinton.

  3. Stushie Says:

    The Tennessee GOP has started its Fall campaign on Obama by attacking his wife Michelle for her “proud of America” remarks. They must figure that it’s easier to attack a candidate’s spouse rather than go for the main contender. It’s discourteous and one that is reminiscent of the 1828 attacks against Andy Jackson’s wife Rachel. The Republicans were soundly defeated in that campaign, partly due to Jackson’s immense popularity and the distasteful attacks against his wife.

    It remains to be seen if history will repeat itself, but throughout the nomination process, trying to beat Obama with personal attacks instead of policy arguments has all but failed. GOP Tennesseans may feel they were being patriotic in singling out Michelle Obama for their initial attack ads, but this will only increase Obama’s popularity and make Tennessean Republicans look paltry.

    If McCain has any spine, he will condemn these spurious attacks and call to make political spousal abuse off limits for both parties. Politics is an ugly business, but drive-by slurs only makes the perpetrators look even uglier in the eyes of voting citizens.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    They must figure that it’s easier to attack a candidate’s spouse rather than go for the main contender.

    I know. Wonder where they learned that?

  5. Ron W Says:

    If McCain has any spine, he will condemn these spurious attacks and call to make political spousal abuse off limits for both parties.

    When a spouse is making public speechs for their spousal candidate, what they SAY is fair game for the political discourse. If they don’t want criticism, then don’t speak out publically in behalf of a candidate.

    And again, Michelle Obama is a member of the CFR powe-elites.

  6. ben Says:

    Lucky for us that Obama has that boat anchor tied around his neck. He’s probably the one afraid of hurting her feelings, which means we get to see more of her stupid during the race, and McCain gets to reap the benefit.

  7. Yosemite Sam Says:

    “The Republicans were soundly defeated in that campaign, partly due to Jackson’s immense popularity and the distasteful attacks against his wife.”

    That’s a pretty good feat for the Republicans because the party wasn’t formed until the 1850’s and Jackson was elected president in 1828.

    Your main point is invalid as well. Rachel Jackson loathed politics and pleaded with Andrew Jackson not to run for office. He did anyway, and Rachel certainly did not campaign for him. In contrast, Michelle Obama is speaking and campaigning actively for her husband. That makes her a legitimate political target.

  8. retro Says:

    Hey Stushie, please don’t let anything like facts or, you know, actual American history get in the way of your agenda or your Messiah.

  9. Ron W Says:

    “Michelle Obama is speaking and campaigning actively for her husband. That makes her a legitimate political target.”

    There you have it, Yosemite Sam!!

    The TN GOP ad that I saw only ran her videos of Michelle Obama’s own words deliverd in public campaigning for Barack Obama.

    I suppose she would complain if she posted here and then had her words quoted and critiqued.

  10. stushie Says:

    Actually, Yosemite and retro, read your history books. JQA’s party was called the National Republicans – the precursors (I presume you know what that means) of the GOP.

  11. Dan Says:

    I wish Obama and some of his spineless supporters would quit trying to dictate what can be and not be said of Hussein+

  12. Dan Says:

    ***sorry, dog on keyboard*** . When’s the last time Obama stood up for John McCain, or gun owners, or religious Christians recently? I guess when its time to negotiate with terrorist friendly nations like Iran, all they have to do is make remarks disagreeing with his wife and he’ll surrender. Maybe Obama is part French?

  13. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    Actually the National Republicans were the precurser of the Whigs. The Whigs ended up splitting on the issue of slavery. The anti-slavery (Northern) half joined with the Republican Party, while the pro-slavery (Southern) half eventually joined the Democratic Party.

    So to say that the National Republicans were the precurser of the GOP is rather a stretch. What they *were* the precurser of dissolved and contributed to both modern parties.

    As for Michele Obama: You can’t climb into the ring, and then whine about being hit.

  14. Linoge Says:

    Sorry, but this definitely falls under the “if you cannot stand the heat, get the hell out of the kitchen” heading. The second she started talking in support of her husband, she became part of his campaign, and thus became fair game.

    If she does not like having her own words used against her (and those words are positively wonderful pieces of ammunition), then I would suggest that she either stop talking, have someone write her safer scripts, or mind what she says a lot more carefully. But blaming your opponents for catching you when you slip? Now that is low.

    Though, as a thought, how it is a slur against someone if that someone said the words herself? I suppose you can make a slur against yourself, but that not then preclude it from being an actual slur?

  15. johnx Says:

    I’m sure cindy mccain said something just as stupid and it won’t be long before we find out what it was. since that’s what politics is. too bad.

  16. Stushie Says:

    She never slurred America. She said she was proud of it. I’ve voted Republican all of my voting life, but I hate dirty politics.

  17. Yosemite Sam Says:

    Funny how you didn’t mention National Republicans in your initial post Stushie. I suspect a bit of google fu to CYA. The National Republicans were a splinter off of the Democratic-Republican party who’s basic unifying factor was their white hot hatred of Andrew Jackson. They were initally called the Anti-Jacksonians. They later on became the Whig party, which later died out.

    The modern Republican party was formed in the 1850’s by moderate abolitionists in Massachusetts. So as I said initally, it is more than a stretch to lay the shameful attacks on Mrs. Jackson at the feet of the GOP. Unless Lincoln had the keys to the time machine.

  18. retro Says:

    In Stushie’s world, history is simply made up as it’s needed. Anything is OK as long as it furthers the Messiah’s cause.

    It’s referred to as “sophistry”, but in reality it’s nothing more than perfidious contumaciousness.


  19. stushie Says:

    Retro, I’m impressed with your word skills. Maybe you should write speeches for John McCain, except that he can’t read them off the monitor! He read curtain instead of certain the other night at a rally…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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