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In which the small town heroes put down their guns, talk to the commies about their feelings, then they hold hands and sing Kumbaya

Well, I don’t know that for sure but there’s talk that they’re re-making the movie Red Dawn.

5 Responses to “In which the small town heroes put down their guns, talk to the commies about their feelings, then they hold hands and sing Kumbaya”

  1. _Jon Says:

    Why would they re-make that movie????
    The original still plays fine?

    Heck, they can’t use the commies as bad guys, who are they gonna use?


  2. Breda Says:

    Hollywood has no original ideas anymore. Why do people keep going to the theater?

  3. Ron W Says:

    “Well, I don’t know that for sure but there’s talk that they’re re-making the movie Red Dawn.” –SayUncle

    It’s easier to have “Red Dawn” now, since the foreign troops have already been allowed to be pre-deployed here…they don’t even have to be air dropped.

  4. wizardpc Says:

    The problem you guys are having is that you think America will be the invadee in the new movie.

    It will probably start out with some kite flying in Mosul, and then the airdropped troops wil be from North Carolina.

  5. _Jon Says:

    @wizardpc: that’s scary funny.

    It will be “Red-White-Blue Dawn” and will be an emotional journey as school age-kids flee the invasion of their home land and mount small attacks against the invading force.

    Yeah, they’d do something that sick.

    I wonder if the kids would spray paint “Camels!” on the walls of the buildings.
    And I wonder if they would do it in English.

    Or, the movie could be based in Mexico and the kids would paint “Donkeys!” on the walls….


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