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Racial Disparity

In Baltimore.

6 Responses to “Racial Disparity”

  1. mike W. Says:

    but isn’t it racist to say violent crime is a black problem that must be addressed by the black community?…..

  2. tonymck Says:

    Except to say how EVIL and useless they are, my community(black) absolutely WILL NOT discuss guns. I’ve tried.

  3. Lornkanaga Says:

    I wonder if there are similar “maps” out there for other cities, such as DC, NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.

    I’d also love to see comparisons of pro-2A cities with anti-2A cities that includes self-defense shootings as well as gun-related homocides.

  4. Robert Says:

    The first step in solving a problem is to admit that there is a problem.

  5. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    I figure since only Nixon could go to China, I’ve got the street cred to come out and say what needs be said.

    The sad thing: most of the black folk I know who are tired of the problem, the black LEOs I know, and the black leaders around here are with me 100%.

  6. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Ever happen to see the la homicide map?

    Got a link and tell over at my place:

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