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Giving permit holders a bad name.

6 Responses to “careful”

  1. Gregg Says:

    I’m not sure I agree completely.
    Yes, the firearm should not have left its holster.

    However, how frikkin stupid is it to start a fight with a guy wearing a gun? Would the instigator start a fight with a cop? How about a gangbanger who was carrying? I suspect the answer to the previous 2 questions would be a definitive NO.

    The guy should be held accountable for the ND and the damage caused thereby. OTOH, the instigator needs to be up on charges for assault, some sort of attempted theft charge and whatever else the DA can throw at him.

  2. HardCorps Says:

    Hrm, sounds like a cluster f situation. Reminds me of jackass when the fat guy wearing a diaper is chasing the midget who is also wearing a diaper. Got to love those dirty hippies though –
    “The gun fired at least once, witnesses said…” and a gem, “One man got into the suspect’s face, screaming, “This is a peaceful event!”

  3. HardCorps Says:

    P.S. look at the douche here on the right:

  4. bob r Says:

    I’ll partially agree with Gregg. I part company on who is responsible for the ND. The guy who _started_ the fight should be held responsible for the ND. If there hadn’t been a fight there wouldn’t have been an ND.

  5. Gregg Says:

    You have a valid point and that could come up in a trial. OTOH, the pistol carrier is responsible for his own actions and the results of his actions. Glocks are not reliable bludgeons. Admittedly, I have no idea how a glock can fire if used correctly as a blunt impact weapon. I think he was doing it wrong.

  6. JJR Says:

    Very unfortunate, and I predict he will not be a legal concealed permit holder for a very long time.

    I carried a 9mm PT111 concealed at a local festival, since I was working as a volunteer at a booth and handling money and we were open until closing time and I had to walk home. It stayed concealed and no one was the wiser that I had it, but I felt better having it, especially on the walk home after dark.

    I recently attended the Scarborough Renaissance Festival in Waxahachie, Texas, however, and since they serve alcohol and cite the 30-06 regulation on their website, I left my Taurus 651 in my car’s glove box, in the parking lot. There were uniformed officers at the event, though, and I left well before dark. I don’t remember seeing a 30-06 sign at the event, but I didn’t look hard for one either, after reading the notice on their website. Don’t know if website notice is sufficient…though if the fest derives more than 50% of its income from alcohol sales, they’ve got you there, also. Guess I’ll just have to wear a Scottish broadsword & dirk instead.

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