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Guns in Australia

Not going so great:

WA has more guns now than before the 1996 Port Arthur massacre – a reversal of a near decade-long downward trend in weapon ownership.

The jump coincides with a scathing national report, which found many firearms owners were failing to properly store them, including high-powered weapons left unlocked in cases, cars and cupboards.

And this:

Inadequate security was to blame for more than half the gun thefts in Australia.

And criminals were to blame for all of them.

3 Responses to “Guns in Australia”

  1. teqjack Says:

    “Inadequate security was to blame for more than half the gun thefts in Australia.”

    Yes indeed. Why, I remember that in a single incident about two years ago, some twenty semi-automatic pistols were stolen!

    At Sydney’s airport. From a locked safe. In the offices of a security firm. Staffed by several employees licensed and authorised to carry.

    Except in the office… so when a couple of gun-wielding crims came in, the trained operatives were quite helpless to do more than cooperate.

  2. Lyle Says:

    How dare you be robbed. What’s wrong with you?

  3. K-Romulus Says:

    Remember this article the next time some blissninny says “Australia passed strong gun control, resulting in less ownership and thus less crime.”
    The data shows ownership is higher than ever in Aus., and crime, accidents, suicide, etc., hasn’t changed much from before the ban(s).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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