NFA Stuff
Michael Bane tells us to expect more NFA goodies on his show. Cool! Also, he has a righteous rant against the arbitrary NFA laws in this country. Read it all. Then come back.
Sticky area. NFA weapons tend to frighten people. One of the things mentioned by some NRA guys I talked to in Louisville was that your average Congressmonkie would crap their pants if they realized that pre-86 MGs were still transferable. I think suppressors are more easily winnable because noise reduction can be shown to be beneficial in areas where there are disputes over shooting ranges close to residential areas.
The Pistol/Short Barreled Rifle/Any Other Weapon rules are completely arbitrary. And Chris Byrne wrote a piece a bit back on how not to have your life ruined by ATF entirely due to that issue.
May 27th, 2008 at 11:08 am
They’d really crap their pants if they realized that, looking at the way the Hughes Amendment was actually written, the executive branch could comply with it, and still transfer new MGs, simply by not spending money on background checks or NFA registration.
Just keep your form 4 as proof of tax payment, go through the Brady check, and enjoy your new MG.
May 27th, 2008 at 8:32 pm
“NFA weapons tend to frighten people.”
Just a little nit with that. I’d say the idea of NFA weapons tends to frighten people. There is in reality no basis for the fear, which by definition makes the fear irrational, and hence a disease.
Next we should examine where the fear disease originated, how it is spread, and what are the possible cures.
Step one we know. It was of course manufactured and perpetuated so as to prop up the NFA. Germ warfare, if you will– weakening our defenses against government intrusion into our 2A rights.
Step two isn’t too difficult; airborne (MSM) and through casual contact, mostly. What tangled webs we weave.
Step three– the cure. I’m not a biologist or a psychologist, but we all know of the powerful effects of vaccinations (subjecting those yet uninfected to small or attenuated doses of the disease as a way of helping them build upon their natural resistance). By that way of thinking, Bane is on the right track.