Archive for May, 2008

May 27, 2008

Range reports

Squeaky gets a new rifle. Everyone needs a 10/22.

Yuri takes his girl to the range.

And Ahab has video from a bowling pin shoot.

NRA Con Videos

They’re now up on youtube.

And Jindal for president.

May 26, 2008

Among the Bitter People

The Diplomad Goes to a Gun Show:

One of my great beefs with condescending liberal politicians, such as Hillary, is that when they seek the votes of gun owners they talk about hunting and the joys of plinking tin cans on a summer afternoon. It is as though the Second Amendment addresses some lesser “right,” some vague “right to have fun,” a “right” granted and subject to rescinding by the state.

Protest denied

In Fort Worth:

A college violated some students’ constitutional rights by not allowing them to wear empty gun holsters as part of a nationwide protest over campus bans on concealed weapons, a student claims.

Brett Poulos said that although he asked permission before last month’s demonstration, a Tarrant County College official said empty holsters could not be worn anywhere on campus. Poulos said he was told students could protest only in the “free-speech zone” — a 12-by-12-foot concrete platform.

Free speech zones? Thought the whole country was a free speech zone.


Giving permit holders a bad name.

More on the Olofson Case

Sebastian notes that the M16 parts allegedly bought by Olofson are magazines and bolts. That would mean they weren’t M16 parts at all.

Hi-speed Video

Nifty. Via ninth stage.

Speaking of guns in the press

Practical Shooting in the Pittsburgh Tribune:

Practical shooting traces its roots to combat pistol shooting, though it can involve rifles and shotguns, too. And it still draws military marksmen and law enforcement types, said Alan Meek of Virginia, an area 8 director.

But it’s evolved to become a sport enjoyed by all types of people, he said.

When I was at the NRA Convention, I mentioned to Joe I’d like to try practical shooting. He explained a bit about it. And I grabbed some literature there. Also, one of the guys I met named Paul is going to introduce me to some locals. Looks fun.

United States Practical Shooting Association webpage.

Job Listing


OutdoorsFan Media, a division of InterMedia Outdoors, is the outdoors industry’s leading news company and is currently seeking an editor for its new title Ideal candidate will have a strong history of newswriting and/or editorial experience. Knowledge of firearms crucial — knowledge of tactical firearms preferred. Candidate must be able to produce accurate, well-written copy on tight deadlines.

Mystery gun identified

Roberta has a couple of them.

Guns in Australia

Not going so great:

WA has more guns now than before the 1996 Port Arthur massacre – a reversal of a near decade-long downward trend in weapon ownership.

The jump coincides with a scathing national report, which found many firearms owners were failing to properly store them, including high-powered weapons left unlocked in cases, cars and cupboards.

And this:

Inadequate security was to blame for more than half the gun thefts in Australia.

And criminals were to blame for all of them.

Guns in the press

Actually, most crime guns in California are traced to, uh, California. I guess it depends on your definition of majority.

Speaking of trace data, all that info we were told would be banned by the evil gun lobby is available here. Via Joe.

Car full of weapons!


We learn from Oleg that Kit and John are hitched. And someone live blogged a wedding.

May 25, 2008


I dig it:

Not a kel-tec

Anyone ID this gun?

Not quite the impact he thought

Mayor Nutter is good for gun sales.

The 16th minute

That’s pretty good.

If it’s in the paper, is it really a blog

Michael Silence has a weekly column in the local newspaper on blogs. The first installment is here:

Because I’ve followed blogging since 2002 and have been blogging since 2004, some misguided and ill-informed editors thought the column would be a good idea.

They got my URL wrong so readers of the paper will be going to a spam page.

May 24, 2008

Hopey Changey

I didn’t know Sean Braisted was videoblogging.

On weekend blogging and why it’s light

Tam discovered something I realized long ago:

Write something good on a Monday morning and it can get noticed, linked, emailed, spread around; if it gets good enough word of mouth you can wind up basking in the glory of an Instalanche or some other bigtime linky love… Friday night? Not likely.

Yup. I sit on stuff on the weekends and post it on higher traffic days.

Red’s Trading Post Settles with ATF

Looks like it. And the blog is gone.

May 23, 2008

Hey, man

Nice shot. Or five.

And this report from the floor.

Oh yeah

Well, ours is bigger.

Or something.

More Racial Disparity

At Gun Debate Critic.

Update: And Milwaukee.

Funniest thing I’ve seen in a month


Yes, I got it.


Glad to see police departments going with 45ACP!

Gun Porn

1911s from the convention.


In Queens: Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and District Attorney Richard Brown met with law enforcement and community leaders to discuss the increase in shootings at the Redfern Houses in Far Rockaway and what can be done to prevent them.

And don’t share an umbrella

Apparently, there’s an effort to make men feminine. Now, I’m not all scared of gay cooties and I don’t fear metrosexuals. Hell, I’ve been known to have a pedicure and manicure myself (my dad will be along in a minute to make fun of that too). So, I got some girling it up street cred.

But this fashion trend of putting men in skinny clothes and having them apply lipstick is too much. Who seriously thought this would be fashionable? Or even remotely popular?

BTW, Breda’s title: I would not hit that. That had me laughing. And it had me thinking about a post here from a bit back:

Ah, euphemisms for doin’ it. And, ladies, if you wonder what men are doing when they’re quiet on the couch and appear to be in deep thought, it’s thinking of those.

Then we listed some, like:

  • I’d hit it like the fist of a wrathful god.
  • Hit it like it owes me money.
  • But, you know, what would you come up with for not hitting it?

  • Not hit it like Kyoto
  • Not hit it like the 2004 Yankees
  • Not hit it like Ike Turner. Today.
  • Not hitting it jokes are definitely harder, once you get past sports analogies.

    More NRA Con Gun Porn

    Brugger & Thomet TP9 from DSA:

    ARs from somebody:

    Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

    Uncle Pays the Bills

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