Archive for May, 2008

May 21, 2008

Having a Ball

At a ball, one of the prizes is a Barret 82A1.

At the NRA Con, I met Ronnie Barrett. I thanked him for his stance against California. And I reminded him about Rose French whom he recalled vividly. Told him I was the blogger that pushed his side of the story and he thanked me. How cool is that?

Gun Porn

Kel-Tec P-11.

Free flow of ideas

R. Neal has a good write up on the media’s sudden desire to compete with blogs.

Next thing you know, they’ll want to drink

Court rules that adults are adults and can own firearms.

Yet another round up of NRA con blog coverage

Being gun owners, we didn’t have a happy hour. We had a bitter hour.

Pics of famous gunnies Kevin met.

That was neat, I have to say. Also, I met a few blog readers like Carl in Chicago, JFMan, and ParatrooperJJ. And that was just as cool. Those guys know their stuff.

Rusty has gun porn.

Thoughts from Thirdpower.

Semi-auto gun porn.

SCAR Video.

David E. Young meets the gunbloggers.

Man, the truthers always ruin it for everybody.

How dare you point out what a douchebag I am!

Let me catch you up:

TN State Rep. Rob Briley got pulled over for DUI.
He decided to call the cops involved Nazis
He kicked the window out of the car
All this made youtube.
He disappears.
Concerned folks fill out missing person report.
He’s found in a casino by state police who ask him to go home
Goes to rehab
Not good enough

Sure, there’s some particulars left out but that’s the gist. Now, the latest is that he’s continuing to be Tennessee’s biggest douchebag because on his way out he blames not himself for making poor choices. Nor himself for being a douchebag. Rather, he blames bloggers and media. I shit you not:

“But the press needs to understand that if they’re not responsible with that information, that they’re not going to have access to it anymore,” Briley said.

That’s right. He says it is irresponsible for the press to point out that a state Rep did everything I listed above.

In addition to the mainstream press, Briley criticized bloggers, remarking that “just because you say it, doesn’t make it true.”

Everything I’ve said in this post (including and especially the part about you being a douchebag) is true.

Quote of the Day

Ashley from NRA while watching Joe Huffman’s Boomershoot videos:

Do it again!

McCain 2008

It could be worse!


I’m actually speechless. This google street view in Chicago shows a guy pointing a gun at a child.

Update: Word is you should make screen captures of it.

Oh and it was via reader JKB.

Update 2: In comments, some speculation it is a toy gun. I can’t tell since it’s missing the bright orange tip required by law.

More NRA Con Gun Porn

Rifles from Sig Sauer:

A bunch of Smiths:

May 20, 2008


In Chicago (naturally): Ald. Richard Mell forgot to re-register his guns (which reportedly include a Walther PPK like this one). No problem — he’ll just write a new law.

Like you and me only better. One of the things I learned at NRA Con was that in Chicago, if you forgot to re-register annually, there is no way your firearm can ever be registered again. Ever.

The alderman is currently breaking the law.

Microstamping study

Says it all:

At the present time, therefore, because its forensic potential has yet to be fully assessed, a mandate for the implementation of this technology in all new semiautomatic handguns sold in the state of California is counter-indicated.

$250 per firing pin? I thought it was supposed to be cheap?

Random Conversation from NRA Convention

Squeaky: I have perfect pitch.

Me: I have good-enough pitch.

Handy Tip

I concur with Roberta:

Note to Convention Attendees: Rule Three! If not for me, then do it for Col. Cooper.


Fire at local paper

The city (my the city)’s local newspaper caught fire. Vandalism is suspected and there were recent layoffs.

Get their EBR on

At the NRA Convention, they gave Glenn Beck a rifle. It was a musket of some kind and I’m sure it was quite nice. At a mixer after, I told Cam Edwards of NRA News that they should give future speakers Evil Black Rifles. I even told him that I’d build an AR-15 for the event. Can’t go wrong with that. After all, service rifles have changed. I think in terms of symbolism, such a gesture would be huge. After all, the AR-15 is the most popular sporting rifle in the country.

In which the small town heroes put down their guns, talk to the commies about their feelings, then they hold hands and sing Kumbaya

Well, I don’t know that for sure but there’s talk that they’re re-making the movie Red Dawn.

Pot this is kettle

Ray Schoenke of the American Hunters and Shooters Association is over at the HuffPo criticizing, and I am not making this up, John McCain over his pro-gun street cred. And being Schoenke, he pulls a a big whopper:

We know most gun owners do support background checks according to a survey of gun owners conducted by Field and Stream. That’s the position of AHSA. But, it’s not the position of the NRA, which purports to represent gun owners. But one thing is clear: real gun owners aren’t represented by either McCain or the NRA.

And since you guys are just a sham group set up by the DLC to throw out fake pro-gun endorsements to Democrats, you don’t either. You just endorsed one of the most anti-gun politicos ever.

And it’s funny because it actually, uh, is the position of NRA to support background checks.


A ridiculous law has been proposed:

Legislation that seeks to keep imitation firearms out of the hands of minors passed the state House.

The measure sponsored by Rep. John DeBerry, a Memphis Democrat, was approved 63-29 on Thursday. The companion bill unanimously passed the Senate in February.

Both chambers must now work out differences in the bill before it’s sent to the governor for his consideration.

DeBerry’s bill would require a person who is not 18 years old to get permission from a parent or legal guardian to purchase an imitation weapon, which he says are nearly identical in size, design and color to real ones.

And next, are we going to have pretend background checks that you’ll be disqualified from for committing toy crimes?

In Defense of TN GOP

Ya know, I find B-Ho is mostly a self-righteous attention whore. So, let’s just get that out of the way first.

But this whole dust up over Barack Milhouse Obama’s wife is stupid. See, once your wife hopped into the campaign, shit she says is fair game. Period. Done. End of story. Too bad for you, she said some pretty stupid shit. Even our senator is getting in on the rebuke! But I’ll tell you why it’s dumb. Actually, I won’t because Rachel Lucas already has and it’s easier to just quote that:

What a dickhead. He can’t possibly believe that things his wife says at political campaign rallies are immune from criticism. As Hot Air pointed out, Barack himself has criticized Bill Clinton in the exact same way. And I will give each of you five trillion dollars if Cindy McCain ever says anything massively stupid and inflammatory on stage at a public McCain campaign event, and the Obama campaign ignores it because she’s the wife, not the candidate.

All’s fair in love, war, and politics. Put on your big boy pants and step in the game. Now, back to my regularly scheduled not giving a shit about Michelle Obama’s feelings.

Your own country

You soon could buy your own floating sovereign nation.

No adoption of bully dogs

Ya know, I don’t really disagree with this policy.


In TN, a woman has plead guilty to stealing handgun carry permit fees.

NRA CON Gun Porn

FN SCAR H and SCAR L (though they have the signs switched):

Chiappa Firearms:

More NRA Con Stuff – mostly pics

John Snow (who I met) has a pic of the new Bushmaster 338 Lapua magnum.

20mm Rifle.

Pics and video of the Kriss Super V

Some serious gun porn.

Write ups and pics here. Just keep scrolling.

A write-up from Michael Bane.

More pics from Rusty.

More pics and another write up here.

May 19, 2008

Important Bit From McCain’s Speech

Text of speech here:

I opposed the ban on so-called “assault weapons,” which was first proposed after a California schoolyard shooting. It makes no sense to ban a class of firearms based on cosmetic features.

I’ve had my disagreements with McCain but of those running for president, he’s the only one to say that. Hell, he’s one of the only Republican contenders to say that.

Of course, it’s also important to note that he buys the gun show loophole nonsense only he doesn’t call it a loophole. And it looks like he’s sticking with his support McCain-Feingold, which he’s reportedly violated.


Suppressors to be transferable in Missouri.

Others I didn’t meet

Roberta, who I’m sad I did not get to meet, has some notes here and here.

I was also bummed that I didn’t get to see Tam.

There were other bloggers at NRA Con. Ol Broad has a couple of pieces with pics here and here.

Quote of the Day

At Michael Bane’s blogger get together, I met Todd Jarrett, who has tons of shooting titles and championships. I walked up to him and said:

Oh, you’re the GLOCK guy.

It was a joke, of course, because he had a bright neon shirt on that said Para USA. I don’t know if he realized I was kidding or not. But I hope he did. Speaking of Para, they have a new line of AR-15s coming out soon that I got to handle this weekend. I don’t see them on their webpage though. I have pics and they are coming soon. But not today as neglected to put the pics on my laptop.

NRA Con Notes

A few notes:

First of all, Bobby Jindal for president. Though I have to confess it was odd seeing an Indian-American with a southern accent.

I’d never heard Glenn Beck before. He was very entertaining and expressed a sentiment shared by many at the convention: disappointment in both political parties (you know, those three Democrats running for office).

Up next, despite how the press and some bloggers are spinning it, carrying weapons was allowed at the convention. However, the room where McCain was speaking had a prohibition on the day McCain was speaking. And I didn’t drop my weapon off in the room which is why I didn’t go see him speak. NRA says it was McCain’s call. McCain says it was the secret service’s call.

Also, there was a pretty cool announcement there that I’m not sure if I can release yet.

And next time, I’ll have to geek out and make SayUncle business cards or something. Everyone wanted a URL, Email, etc. And I’d have to write it all down.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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