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A gun violence summit in NY is called due to increased shootings.

4 Responses to “Unpossible”

  1. Bruce Says:

    Relax, it’s just a “summit”. It’s not like he’s assembling a “task force”.

  2. Jay Says:

    Several politicians attending this summit say they are proposing legislation to make the gun laws tougher.

    Wow. That’s a shocker.

  3. Lyle Says:

    “Wow. That’s a shocker.”

    Yeah, stop violating the laws, or we’ll…make more laws. Stop or I’ll say “stop” again.

  4. Jack Burton Says:

    ‘Relax, it’s just a “summit”. It’s not like he’s assembling a “task force”.’

    There would really be something to worry about if they were putting together a blue ribbon committee.

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