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that fat lady sings

or, rather, writes a concession speech.

But later. Not today.

A letter to supporters saying she’ll concede.

Barack neener neener Obama would be stupid to nominate her as VP. And, no, it’s not because (as the right wingers are saying) that she’d kill him (because that’s just stupid), it’s because there’s no way he could run a White House with the Clintons in it. They come as a team and they are second fiddle to no one. All or nothing so nothing it must be.

Abramson gives Obama props for beating the Clinton Mafia.


So It’s Come to This…

Barack “Cute & Fuzzy Bunnies” Obama vs. John McCain.

Sheesh. Talk about a shit sandwich.

No kidding.

Apparently, McCain has challenged Barack I gave at the office Obama to ten town hall debates. Good move since the more Obama opens his mouth, the more gaffes come out.

The good news: the next president for the first time in 20 years will not be a Clinton or a Bush!

Well, maybe. I mean, there could be lawsuits.

6 Responses to “that fat lady sings”

  1. Jay Says:

    I’ve noticed Obama is great when working from a prepared script, but he suffers from foot in mouth disease big time when he’s no looking at a teleprompter.

  2. Boondoggie Says:

    Jay – It’s called lack of experience.

  3. Peter Says:

    Can anyone imagine what a White House with Michelle ‘I’m finally proud of America’ Obama, Hillabeast and Bubba ‘ I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky’ would be like?

    The Medicis would be demoted to pikers and amateurs.

  4. Gregg Says:

    Mr and Mrs Hopey Changey wouldn’t last a month.

  5. Gregg Says:

    Sorry, but I have to add that their food tasters would need food tasters.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    “And, no, it’s not because (as the right wingers are saying) that she’d kill him (because that’s just stupid), ”

    Don’t tell me, tell Vince Foster.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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