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Had some pipes burst last night. A few things:

When you turn off the water from the water heater, turn on the sink so it drains. This will save you some cussing at the water heater for not working right. The cussing doesn’t convince the water heater to do anything, btw.

Cold showers suck.

If you don’t shave, everyone at the office notices.

Cold showers really suck.

And to save your self some time and aggravation in the future, do not allow your wife to store a treadmill, two heavy boxes of paperwork, an old trash can full of unused sporting equipment, a steam cleaner, a vacuum, and boxes of old children’s clothes in front of the water heater. You may need to get to it quickly one day.

I’m serious, cold showers suck.

Update: Cause of leak, sheet rock screw pierced a pipe.

2 Responses to “Pipes”

  1. Dad Says:

    That’s what happens when you use those ” Fly by Night builders “( A little inside humor )

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    As a former sailor in the Navy, I have this advice regarding cold showers. Washcloth at the sink to clean your pits and chest. Then just stick your head under the shower (unless you can get under the faucet in the kitchen sink) to wash your hair. It’s not perfect. But it beats the hell out of your boys pulling up so far that you swear they’re protected by your ribcage now.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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